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Correctly generating AWS auth headers from temporary credentials

I have an API Gateway that has two endpoints:

  1. Authorization type is NONE. Delegates to a lambda named fooLambda.
  2. Authorization type is AWS_IAM.

The client is supposed to call endpoint 1 to obtain credentials from the fooLambda so that they can successfully call endpoint 2.

I am using the AWS Node.js sdk and the aws4 npm module for signing aws requests. Here is some pseudocode for my fooLambda:

// get the role using this...
    RoleArn: 'arn of my role that can call endpoint 2',
    RoleSessionName: 'foobar',

// parse the sts creds like this....
const stsCredentials = STS.credentialsFrom(assumeRoleResponse)

// get a collection of signed headers like so
const signedHeaders = aws4.sign({
    service: 'execute-api',
    region: process.env.REGION,
}, {
    secretAccessKey: stsCredentials.secretAccessKey,
    accessKeyId: stsCredentials.accessKeyId,
    sessionToken: stsCredentials.sessionToken,

// return the following headers to the client
return {
    authorizationHeader: signedHeaders['Authorization'],
    stsSecurityToken: signedHeaders['X-Amz-Security-Token'],

Now my intent is that the client can attach these two headers to their requests so that they can successfully call endpoint 2 but I get an error saying that the security token is invalid but I'm not sure why.

UPDATE: When I use Postman's AWS Signature Authorization type and supply my accessKey, secretKey, aws region, service name, and session token parameters - it creates the authorization headers and the request to endpoint 2 is successful!

After inspecting the postman-generated authorization headers, it seems that the Authorization header has a different signature. So now the problem is: "How is postman generating a correct authorization header but aws4 isn't?"

like image 639
Ogen Avatar asked Oct 22 '18 23:10


1 Answers

When using the aws4.sign function, you have to provide the path that the request will have. Otherwise there is a mismatch between the signed request and the actual request that is made and AWS will barf.

like image 133
Ogen Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09
