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Correct way to inject pure class into angular 1.x application in ES6

A colleague claims this is an incorrect way to inject a pure ES6 JavaScript class into Angular. I am curious if there is a better way (more correct)?

As an aside, is it better (and why is it better) to attach the injected dependencies ($timeout in this example) to the instance; e.g., this._$timeout = $timeout in the constructor. I personally think there is no advantage to doing that in this case.


let ClassFactory = function($timeout) {
    // Factory function that simply returns class constructor.

    class MyClass {
        constructor(a, b) {
            // contrived class
            this.a = a;
            this.b = b;
            this.c = null;

        applyChange() {
            // contrived class method
            const SELF = this;

            $timeout(() => {
                SELF.c = SELF.a + SELF.b;

    return MyClass ;

ClassFactory.$inject = ['$timeout'];

export default ClassFactory;


import ClassFactory from './factories/class.factory';
import AppService from './services/app.service';

export default angular.module('myApp', [])
    .factory('ClassFactory', ClassFactory)
    .service('AppService', AppService);

Later, elsewhere we may use the class in some service or controller, to construct new MyClass instances.


class AppService {
    // contrived usage of our dependency injected pure class.

    constructor(ClassFactory) {
        this.array = [];
        this._ClassFactory = ClassFactory;

    initialize(a, b) {
        // We can instantiate as many "MyClass" objects as we need.
        let myClass = new this._ClassFactory(a, b);


    static serviceFactory(...injected) {
        AppService.instance = new AppService(...injected);
        return AppService.instance;

AppService.serviceFactory.$inject = ['ClassFactory'];

export default AppService.serviceFactory;
like image 772
James Avatar asked Oct 17 '22 11:10


1 Answers

At this point it doesn't matter if $timeout is class property or just local variable.

Wrapping a class with factory function doesn't play well with ES6 development , it's not possible to export and extend it. The fact that a factory is needed probably indicates design problem.

A class like that can get the dependencies via dependency injection (in common sense). This is a usual thing when class constructor is supposed to be called with non-dependency arguments too:

export class MyClass {
  constructor($timeout, a, b) {
    this._$timeout = $timeout;
obj = new MyClass($timeout, a, b);

If there's more than one dependency, $injector dependency can be provided instead of all dependencies:

export class MyClass {
  constructor($injector, a, b) {
    this._$timeout = $injector.get('$timeout');
obj = new MyClass($injector, a, b);

There may also be a design problem that causes the dependency on $timeout, and by solving it the dependency could be avoided. It's not clear from the code above why MyClass should trigger a digest with $timeout, its logic doesn't contain anything that would require that. It's the responsibility of code that uses MyClass instance and binds it to view or whatever a digest is there for.

like image 188
Estus Flask Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10

Estus Flask