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Correct way to create an array with N number of elements without the old 'new Array(N)'?

Whenever I work with arrays, I always use the [] style, however, when I want to create an array with a fixed amount of elements I use new Array(N) (I don't know any other way of doing this)

I thought it wasn't big deal, until I read these strong words about this:

Anyone doing this, using “new Array()” instead of “[]“, or “new Object()” instead of “{}” needs to relearn JavaScript.

I really want to avoid writting bad code. Anyone mind tell me the right direction to go?

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mithril333221 Avatar asked Feb 12 '12 03:02


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1 Answers

I wouldn't worry too much about some random comment on a blog in 2006. Especially since your use case isn't just new Array(). You're using the special-case constructor that is provided specifically for this purpose.

Besides, using new Array() instead of [] is hardly the worst thing someone can do with JS.

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Derek Park Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10

Derek Park