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Correct way to author Vue components that rely on parent build tools

I imagine this problem would apply to other frameworks that have a bit of a plugin/component ecosystem about them that rely on specific build tools (React components with JSX, etc). Vue is just my use-case.

I have authored several Vue components in the form of single .vue files which are published to NPM. The package.json for these component does not list any dependencies, as they themselves are intended to function within a parent project that uses webpack, vue-loader, sass-loader, etc. This is an example of one such component.

I am unsure about the best way to declare that these components rely on the parent package having said build tools. I am not confident that devDependencies is the correct place for them as the component itself has no development step that relies on these. peerDependencies seems more suitable but again I am not confident this properly matches what I am trying to achieve.

Looking through many of the components on the awesome-vue repository I can't see any use of peerDependencies and the devDependencies seem relevant to the development of the particular components themselves.

What is the correct way to author these components? It's almost like I need something like "peerDevDependencies".

like image 625
Marty Avatar asked Mar 23 '17 00:03


1 Answers

Most component are, unfortunately distributed already compiled.

In my opinion the best way to distribute a component is to write as main the raw .vue file of the component.

You shouldn’t specify to use any particular tool, developers that pick up your package should be free to use the tool they want, be it Browserify or Rollup (or Webpack). The raw .vue format allows them to compile the .vue component with whatever tool they want and using whatever Vue version they want (within a range of course).

Moreover what I like to do is give the users the possibility to use the component straight away, even inside a browser, with just Vue as a <script> dependency. For this you would have to compile it and, yes, specify Vue as a peerDependency in the sense that it’s needed in the page.

You can put meta information in the package.json to tell CDN to pick up the compiled version when inside the browser, this is very handy so the user just specify the name of the package without worrying about the file name or version.

like image 64
gurghet Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09
