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Correct way in 2018 to open Facebook app via website link?



Let me say first that I've researched this for the past 4 hours. From various threads, I have seen that linking to fb://page/PAGEID is the OLD way of opening the Facebook app via a website link and that fb://facewebmodal/f?href=FACEBOOKURL is the new way.

As a reference: Open Facebook Page in Facebook App (if installed) on Android

The problem now is, I've tested both of them on iOS and Android today (June 04, 2018) and the one that works is the supposedly old way: fb://page/PAGEID. Did Facebook change this at some point again? I'm using the absolutely latest version of the Facebook app.

What is the correct way to do this in 2018?

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Mike M Avatar asked Jun 04 '18 14:06

Mike M

People also ask

How can I make Facebook page link opens in app instead of browser?

Go to settings, apps, then find that app on your list, click it, part way down that page there an option called opens by default, select that.

How do I make a link open directly to an app?

Every android app will have list of urls that it can open. So you have to go to that app settings and tell that it should open in browser for the urls and not in the app. To do that go to Settings -> Apps -> scroll down to the app that you don't want URLs to open in -> Tap on 'Open by Default' and select always Ask.

1 Answers

Now it's changed to:

For iOS: fb://profile/PAGEID

For Android: fb://page/PAGEID

PAGEID is the numeric pageid that the page owner can see in the about box in facebook

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Marvin Ruciński Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 13:10

Marvin Ruciński