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Correct use of C# 'new' modifier to make protected property public




Let's say I have an abstract base class:

public abstract class BaseClass
    private MyObject myObject;

    protected MyObject PropA
            if(myObject == null) this.myObject = new MyObject();
            return this.myObject;

...and that in one of my derived classes, I want to make the protected base class property PropA public. Would it be correct to use the new modifier in this context?

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    public new MyObject PropA
            return base.PropA;
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MajorInc Avatar asked Nov 01 '14 22:11


2 Answers

Would it be correct use of the new modifier in this context?

Technically - yes, there will no errors or warnings.

As for me, using of new keyword itself as a modifier indicates a design drawback.

I'll give one example.

public class MyList<T> : List<T>
    public int AddCallsCount;
    public new void Add(T t)

public class Test
    public void TestThatsNotGood()
        List<object> list = new MyList<object>();

        MyList<object> myList = list as MyList<object>;

        Assert.AreEqual(0, myList.AddCallsCount);


It looks like polymorphism works, but actually does not.

UPDATE: Ok, there is very simplified explanation. I omit explanation of what polymorphism is.

Polymorphims is realized with implementation of abstract\virtual and overriding methods. As soon as neither virtual nor override modifiers are specified MyList<T>.Add is just another 'common' public method. And with MyList<T> inherited List<T>, MyList<T>.Add 'hides' List<T>.Add because name and parameters of both methods are same.

At lower level: as soon as List<T> type definition of method Add isn't marked with virtual keyword, compiler won't search for overriding methods of actual instance type (MyList<T> in this certain case) for variable of given type (List<T> in this certain case).

Definetely it may lead to logic errors and incorrect usage of class API.

Hence, compiler 'thinks' that probably there is a logical mistake or design drawback and warns programmer. The new keyword is just a way to talk to the compiler

yes, I know that it's not good, but I need it because of my bad design


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Valentin P. Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Valentin P.

The new keyword works and is correct, if you want to add a member in a derived class that has the same name as a member in the base class; however, it seems that this design defies the purpose of abstract classes. Make PropA public and virtual in the base class or public and abstract:

public abstract class BaseClass
    // Property not implemented here.
    public abstract MyObject PropA { get; }

    private MyObject _propB;
    // Property implemented, but implementation can be overridden in derived class.
    public virtual MyObject PropB
        get { return _propB ?? (_propB = new MyObject()); }

    public int PropC { get { return 5; } }

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    // You must provide an implementation here.
    private MyObject _propA;
    public override MyObject PropA
        get { return _propA ?? (_propA = new MyObject()); }

    // You are free to override this property and to provide an new implementation
    // or to do nothing here and to keep the original implementation.
    public override MyObject PropB
        get { return <new implementation...>; }

    // PropC is inherited as is and is publicly visible through DerivedClass as well. 
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Olivier Jacot-Descombes Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 22:11

Olivier Jacot-Descombes