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Correct usage of stash\unstash into a different directory


In one of my stages I need to copy the contents of two folders after a build is completed and copy to a different directory.

I am actually converting a freestyle job to pipeline, and have been using the artifact deployer plugin. Reading around, it looks like stash and unstash commands should help with what I want to achieve.

Can someone verify if this is the correct approach below please?

stage('Build') {       steps {         sh '''           gulp set-staging-node-env           gulp prepare-staging-files           gulp webpack         '''         stash includes: '/dist/**/*', name: 'builtSources'         stash includes: '/config/**/*', name: 'appConfig'         dir('/some-dir') {           unstash 'builtSources'           unstash 'appConfig'         }       }     } 

If I change dir in one stage, does that mean all other stages thereafter will try to execute commands from that directory, or do they do back to using the workspace default location?



I have realised what I actually want to do is to copy built sources to a different node (running a different OS). So in my snippet I have shared, where I am switching directories, that directory is actually to be on a different machine (node) that I have setup.

Would I need to wrap the dir() block with a node('my-node-name') block? Im struggling to find examples.


like image 502
mindparse Avatar asked Mar 27 '17 15:03


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stash : Stash some files to be used later in the buildSaves a set of files for later use on any node/workspace in the same Pipeline run. By default, stashed files are discarded at the end of a pipeline run. Other plugins may change this behavior to preserve stashes for longer.

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Change JENKINS_HOME on UbuntuAfter the Jenkins usermod command completes, open the /etc/default/jenkins file and update the JENKINS_HOME variable contained within. The next time you start Jenkins, the popular CI/CD tool will read from the new JENKINS_HOME location.

1 Answers

I hope it is meant to be this:

stash includes: 'dist/**/*', name: 'builtSources'  stash includes: 'config/**/*', name: 'appConfig' 

where dist and config are the directories in the workspace path, so it should be a relative path like above.

Rest seems alright, only to mention that path "/some-dir" should be writable by jenkins user (user used to run jenkins daemon).

And yes it falls back to its then enclosing workspace path (in this case default) when it exits dir block.


So when you stash a path, it is available to be unstashed at any step later in the pipeline. So yes, you could put dir block under a node('<nodename>') block.

You could add something like this :

stage('Move the Build'){   node('datahouse'){     dir('/opt/jenkins_artifacts'){       unstash 'builtSources'       unstash 'appConfig'     }   } } 
like image 57
rusia.inc Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 19:11
