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Correct S3 + Cloudfront CORS Configuration?

My application stores images on S3 and then proxies them through Cloudfront. I'm excited to use the new S3 CORS support so that I can use HTML5 canvas methods (which have a cross-origin policy) but can't seem to configure my S3 and Cloudfront correctly. Still running into "Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18" when I try to convert an image to a canvas element.

Here's what I have so far:


<CORSConfiguration>   <CORSRule>     <AllowedOrigin>MY_WEBSITE_URL</AllowedOrigin>     <AllowedMethod>GET</AllowedMethod>     <MaxAgeSeconds>3000</MaxAgeSeconds>     <AllowedHeader>*</AllowedHeader>   </CORSRule>   <CORSRule>     <AllowedOrigin>MY_CLOUDFRONT_URL</AllowedOrigin>     <AllowedMethod>GET</AllowedMethod>     <AllowedHeader>*</AllowedHeader>     </CORSRule>   </CORSConfiguration> 



Origin Protocol Policy: Match Viewer  HTTP Port: 80  HTTPS Port: 443 


Origin: MY_WEBSITE_URL  Object Caching: Use Origin Cache Headers  Forward Cookies: None  Forward Query Strings: Yes 

Is there something I'm missing here?

UPDATE : Just tried changing the headers to

<AllowedHeader>Content-*</AllowedHeader> <AllowedHeader>Host</AllowedHeader> 

based on this question Amazon S3 CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and Firefox cross-domain font loading

Still no go.


Request URL:https://d1r5nr1emc2xy5.cloudfront.net/uploaded/BAhbBlsHOgZmSSImMjAxMi8wOS8xMC8xOC81NC80Mi85NC9ncmFzczMuanBnBjoGRVQ/32c0cee8 Request Method:GET Status Code:200 OK (from cache) 


I think maybe my request wasn't correct, so I tried enabling CORS with

img.crossOrigin = ''; 

but then the image doesn't load and I get the error: Cross-origin image load denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy.

like image 782
kateray Avatar asked Sep 10 '12 19:09


People also ask

How do I enable CORS in CloudFront S3?

Step 1: enable CORS on your S3 bucketGo to your S3 bucket in the AWS (Amazon Web Services) console and select it. Click the Properties tab then open the Permissions area. You should see a button labelled 'Edit CORS Configuration' or something similar. Click it.

How do I enable CORS in CloudFront?

For enabling CORS we need to configure Cloudfront to allow forwarding of required headers. We can configure the behavior of Cloudfront by clicking on Cloudfront Distribution's "Distribution Settings". Then from the "Behaviour" tab click on "Edit". Here we need to whitelist the headers that need to be forwarded.

What is S3 CORS configuration?

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) defines a way for client web applications that are loaded in one domain to interact with resources in a different domain. With CORS support, you can build rich client-side web applications with Amazon S3 and selectively allow cross-origin access to your Amazon S3 resources.

Video Answer

2 Answers

On June 26, 2014 AWS released proper Vary: Origin behavior on CloudFront so now you just

  1. Set a CORS Configuration for your S3 bucket including


  2. In CloudFront -> Distribution -> Behaviors for this origin

    • Allowed HTTP Methods: +OPTIONS
    • Cached HTTP Methods +OPTIONS
    • Cache Based on Selected Request Headers: Whitelist the Origin header.
  3. Wait for ~20 minutes while CloudFront propagates the new rule

Now your CloudFront distribution should cache different responses (with proper CORS headers) for different client Origin headers.

like image 190
Brett Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 23:10


To complement @Brett's answer. There are AWS documentation pages detailing CORS on CloudFront and CORS on S3.

The steps detailed there are as follows:

  1. In your S3 bucket go to Permissions -> CORS configuration
  2. Add rules for CORS in the editor, the <AllowedOrigin> rule is the important one. Save the configuration. enter image description here
  3. In your CloudFront distribution go to Behavior -> choose a behavior -> Edit
  4. Depending on whether you want OPTIONS responses cached or not, there are two ways according to AWS:
  • If you want OPTIONS responses to be cached, do the following:
    • Choose the options for default cache behavior settings that enable caching for OPTIONS responses.
    • Configure CloudFront to forward the following headers: Origin, Access-Control-Request-Headers, and Access-Control-Request-Method.
  • If you don't want OPTIONS responses to be cached, configure CloudFront to forward the Origin header, together with any other headers required by your origin

enter image description here

And with that CORS from CloudFront with S3 should work.

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Christian Eriksson Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10

Christian Eriksson