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CoreData: annotation: Failed to load optimized model at path with Xcode 9 GM

Failed to load OMO warning (potential crash):

Project with xcode 9 following warning is observed in the console during debug/release builds (iOS 11 GM/beta & iOS 10):

CoreData: annotation:  Failed to load optimized model at path "/Users/xyz.abc/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/A-GUID/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B-GUID/app-name.app/Frameworks/framework-name/mystorename.momd/mystorename 6.omo"

Any custom framework (e.g. GoogleMaps, etc) that uses CD also results in this warning and potential crashes.

Update: Using Xcode11, noticed similar issue with DTDeviceKitBase.framework:

CoreData: annotation: Failed to load optimized model at path '/Applications/Xcode11.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DTDeviceKitBase.framework/Versions/A/Resources/CrashDatabaseModel.momd/CrashDatabaseModel-5.0.1.omo'


  • Also noticed this with modal used in app and other framework. For app, clean build results in this error. Path shown in warning points to model used with app and not a framework.
  • Compilation with previous Xcode do work fine and no warning is noticed.

Tried following:

  1. complete clean build
  2. ensured omo exists in datamodel v6, ManagedObjectModel & PersistentStoreCoordinator are non-nil. All functionality works as expected.
  3. add newer version of datamodel v7, ensured omo v7 exists -- clean builds & device deployment
  4. added schema again

Please add suggestions. What are the potential implications of this warning?


  1. https://openradar.appspot.com/33212613
  2. https://openradar.appspot.com/33573724
  3. https://openradar.appspot.com/33773917
  4. https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/35827124
  5. https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/35827113

Similar issues with old Xcode 6/iOS 9 and Xcode 7/iOS 9

  1. Core Data - Failed to load optimized model at path
  2. CoreData: Failed to load optimized model at path
  3. Google Maps SDK for iOS Runtime warning - Core Date Failed to Load Optimised Path
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lal Avatar asked Sep 20 '17 02:09


2 Answers

The only way now to handle it (ios 11 = crash, not only warning) is to downgrade your sdk!!

Within your Podfile modify the following lines:

pod 'GoogleMaps', '2.2'
pod 'GooglePlaces', '2.2'

After doing so, run pod update so the library will get updated.
any version above it will crash.

Update: try creating new target and run updated pod - worked for us

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DaNLtR Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10


Upgrading Xcode to Version 9.1 beta (9B46) doesn't output this warning in the console. Tried following to reproduce console message:

  • Clean pods entirely, and rebuilt project.
  • Complete Xcode clean including derived data, simulator cleanup.
  • Device deployment, no crash observed.
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lal Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10
