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Core Data Spotlight Integration in iOS

I'm developping an ios (3.1.3) application to manage contacts, tasks, activities, etc. These models are managed by core data and it works very well. Now I want to make all these items searchable in the spotlight search bar in iOS.

Is that possible?

And if so, how to code it? I found the "Core Data Spotlight Integration Programming Guide" but it's not suitable for iOS and I don't find any document or tutorial related to what I want.

Any ideas, suggestions? or full solution! :D

Thanks in advance!

like image 846
Alexis Avatar asked Nov 14 '10 12:11


2 Answers

This will be possible from iOS 9 onwards. Apple just released a CoreSpotlight framework at WWDC 2015, and with integration its possible to search contents within third party apps and much more.


like image 64
Tejas HS Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10

Tejas HS

You cannot integrate your application with Spotlight in iOS for now, there's no API to do it.

You can file a radar and wish an new Spotlight API in iOS 5?

like image 44
gcamp Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10
