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Cordova and setting Android using command line

I am trying to migrate my existing project from cordova 2.1 to the latest, 3.1 which can be installev vía command line,

I already have the Android SDK installed,


sudo npm install -g cordova // All good
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld // All good
cordova platform add android // Then it fires:

Checking Android requirements...
[Error: The command `android` failed. Make sure you have the latest Android SDK installed, and the `android` command (inside the tools/ folder) added to your path. Output: ]

So I installed Macports and tried:

sudo port install android

Which logs:

Warning: All compilers are either blacklisted or unavailable; defaulting to first fallback option
Warning: Xcode does not appear to be installed; most ports will likely fail to build.
--->  Cleaning android
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%
--->  No broken files found.

Any idea what am I missing here?

like image 758
Toni Michel Caubet Avatar asked Nov 19 '13 19:11

Toni Michel Caubet

2 Answers

It's work cordova Android for MAC 1000000000%. I fought solution and now i'm working try this @Toni Michel Caubet. I will happy to share my Answer.


Open Your Terminal and followed by,

  1. touch ~/.bash_profile

  2. open ~/.bash_profile

  3. PATH="/Users/System-Name/Documents/android-sdk-macosx/sdk/tools:/Development/android-sdk-macosx/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH" (This is Android SDK Location to stored in My system )

enter image description here

4.Save the file and quit the text editor.

5.Execute your .bash_profile to update your PATH:

source ~/.bash_profile

if you want to see your environment path:

7.In your terminal type: set

After you can see like

enter image description here

8.As far as your made it very correct. After your enter command like cordova platform add android. you get following error. because Java SDK doesn't too set environment PATH.

enter image description here

9.open ~/.bash_profile. Add JAVA_HOME value

enter image description here

10.You can see your environment like STEP 7 set. You should be able see:

enter image description here

11.Successfully created environment now you can create Android project with Cordova or PhoneGap

enter image description here

like image 113
codercat Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10


When you installed the Android SDK, it will come with a bunch of folders, like build-tools, platform-tools, tools, and some others. You need to add platform-tools and tools to your main $PATH environment variable.

See the docs here about how to add things to your PATH for whichever system you are on (Windows or Mac): http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/3.1.0/guide_platforms_android_index.md.html#Android%20Platform%20Guide

Here is how you would edit the $PATH on Windows:

  1. Click on the Start menu in the lower-left corner of the desktop, right-click on Computer, then click Properties.

  2. Click Advanced System Settings in the column on the left.

  3. In the resulting dialog box, press Environment Variables.

  4. Select the PATH variable and press Edit.

  5. Append the following to the PATH based on where you installed the SDK, for example: ;C:\Development\adt-bundle\sdk\platform-tools;C:\Development\adt-bundle\sdk\tools

  6. Save and close both dialogs.

like image 22
MBillau Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10
