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Copy directory from a jar file

I have recently developed an application and created the jar file.

One of my classes creates an output directory, populating it with files from its resource.

My code is something like this:

// Copy files from dir "template" in this class resource to output. private void createOutput(File output) throws IOException {      File template = new File(FileHelper.URL2Path(getClass().getResource("template")));     FileHelper.copyDirectory(template, output); } 

Unfortunately this doesn't work.

I tried the following without luck:

  • Using Streams to solve similar stuff on other classes but it doesn't work with dirs. Code was similar to http://www.exampledepot.com/egs/java.io/CopyFile.html

  • Creating the File template with new File(getClass().getResource("template").toUri())

While writing this I was thinking about instead of having a template dir in the resource path having a zip file of it. Doing it this way I could get the file as an inputStream and unzip it where I need to. But I am not sure if it's the correct way.

like image 879
Macarse Avatar asked Sep 06 '09 21:09


People also ask

How do I copy an entire folder?

Alternatively, right-click the folder, select Show more options and then Copy. In Windows 10 and earlier versions, right-click the folder and select Copy, or click Edit and then Copy. Navigate to the location where you want to place the folder and all its contents.

How do you copy an entire directory in terminal?

Similarly, you can copy an entire directory to another directory using cp -r followed by the directory name that you want to copy and the name of the directory to where you want to copy the directory (e.g. cp -r directory-name-1 directory-name-2 ).

2 Answers

Thanks for the solution! For others, the following doesn't make use of the auxiliary classes (except for StringUtils)

/I added extra information for this solution, check the end of the code, Zegor V/

public class FileUtils {   public static boolean copyFile(final File toCopy, final File destFile) {     try {       return FileUtils.copyStream(new FileInputStream(toCopy),           new FileOutputStream(destFile));     } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {       e.printStackTrace();     }     return false;   }    private static boolean copyFilesRecusively(final File toCopy,       final File destDir) {     assert destDir.isDirectory();      if (!toCopy.isDirectory()) {       return FileUtils.copyFile(toCopy, new File(destDir, toCopy.getName()));     } else {       final File newDestDir = new File(destDir, toCopy.getName());       if (!newDestDir.exists() && !newDestDir.mkdir()) {         return false;       }       for (final File child : toCopy.listFiles()) {         if (!FileUtils.copyFilesRecusively(child, newDestDir)) {           return false;         }       }     }     return true;   }    public static boolean copyJarResourcesRecursively(final File destDir,       final JarURLConnection jarConnection) throws IOException {      final JarFile jarFile = jarConnection.getJarFile();      for (final Enumeration<JarEntry> e = jarFile.entries(); e.hasMoreElements();) {       final JarEntry entry = e.nextElement();       if (entry.getName().startsWith(jarConnection.getEntryName())) {         final String filename = StringUtils.removeStart(entry.getName(), //             jarConnection.getEntryName());          final File f = new File(destDir, filename);         if (!entry.isDirectory()) {           final InputStream entryInputStream = jarFile.getInputStream(entry);           if(!FileUtils.copyStream(entryInputStream, f)){             return false;           }           entryInputStream.close();         } else {           if (!FileUtils.ensureDirectoryExists(f)) {             throw new IOException("Could not create directory: "                 + f.getAbsolutePath());           }         }       }     }     return true;   }    public static boolean copyResourcesRecursively( //       final URL originUrl, final File destination) {     try {       final URLConnection urlConnection = originUrl.openConnection();       if (urlConnection instanceof JarURLConnection) {         return FileUtils.copyJarResourcesRecursively(destination,             (JarURLConnection) urlConnection);       } else {         return FileUtils.copyFilesRecusively(new File(originUrl.getPath()),             destination);       }     } catch (final IOException e) {       e.printStackTrace();     }     return false;   }    private static boolean copyStream(final InputStream is, final File f) {     try {       return FileUtils.copyStream(is, new FileOutputStream(f));     } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {       e.printStackTrace();     }     return false;   }    private static boolean copyStream(final InputStream is, final OutputStream os) {     try {       final byte[] buf = new byte[1024];        int len = 0;       while ((len = is.read(buf)) > 0) {         os.write(buf, 0, len);       }       is.close();       os.close();       return true;     } catch (final IOException e) {       e.printStackTrace();     }     return false;   }    private static boolean ensureDirectoryExists(final File f) {     return f.exists() || f.mkdir();   } } 

It uses only one external library from the Apache Software Foundation, however the used functions are only :

  public static String removeStart(String str, String remove) {       if (isEmpty(str) || isEmpty(remove)) {           return str;       }       if (str.startsWith(remove)){           return str.substring(remove.length());       }       return str;   }   public static boolean isEmpty(CharSequence cs) {       return cs == null || cs.length() == 0;   } 

My knowledge is limited on Apache licence, but you can use this methods in your code without library. However, i am not responsible for licence issues, if there is.

like image 148
jabber Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09


Using Java7+ this can be achieved by creating FileSystem and then using walkFileTree to copy files recursively.

public void copyFromJar(String source, final Path target) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {     URI resource = getClass().getResource("").toURI();     FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystems.newFileSystem(             resource,             Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()     );       final Path jarPath = fileSystem.getPath(source);      Files.walkFileTree(jarPath, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() {          private Path currentTarget;          @Override         public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {             currentTarget = target.resolve(jarPath.relativize(dir).toString());             Files.createDirectories(currentTarget);             return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;         }          @Override         public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {             Files.copy(file, target.resolve(jarPath.relativize(file).toString()), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);             return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;         }      }); } 

The method can be used like this:

copyFromJar("/path/to/the/template/in/jar", Paths.get("/tmp/from-jar")) 
like image 43
lpiepiora Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 05:09
