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Copy-constructor of multiply-inherited classes

Consider this piece of code:

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base
    char _type;
    Base(char type):

    ~Base() {
        cout << "Base destructor: " << _type << endl;

class uncopyable
        uncopyable() {}
        ~uncopyable() {}
        uncopyable( const uncopyable& );
        const uncopyable& operator=( const uncopyable& );

class Child : public Base, private uncopyable
    int j;
    ~Child() {
        cout << "Child destructor" << endl;

int main()
    vector<Base> v;
    Base b('b');
    Child c;

    return 0;

The output on my system is:

Base destructor: b
Child destructor
Base destructor: c
Base destructor: b
Base destructor: b
Base destructor: c

My questions are:

  • Why is the destructor of Base (with type b) called three times instead of two (do we have more than two copies of object b)?

  • What happens when we copy an object of type Child, considering the copy-constructor of one of its parents is private. Is it undefined behavior?

  • I was expecting to get a compile-time error whenever I try to copy an object of type Child. I thought the child's default copy-constructor would try to call the private copy-constructor of the Uncopyable class and cause compilation error. Why doesn't it give compile errors?

The reason the code is designed this way is because the Child class is huge.

The desired behavior is throwing away the child data whenever a client tries to copy a Child object (calling the destructor of Child without calling the destructor of Base).

This piece of code achieves that, but I guess it results in undefined behavior and has memory leak (never calls the destructor of Child for the copied instance).

like image 970
Shayan Pooya Avatar asked May 19 '12 00:05

Shayan Pooya

People also ask

Can copy constructor be inherited?

Copy constructor is not inherited.

Which constructor is called in multiple inheritance?

For multiple inheritance order of constructor call is, the base class's constructors are called in the order of inheritance and then the derived class's constructor.

Can there be multiple copy constructor?

A class can have multiple copy constructors, e.g. both T::T(const T&) and T::T(T&). If some user-defined copy constructors are present, the user may still force the generation of the implicitly declared copy constructor with the keyword default .

Can we use constructor in inheritance in C++?

Constructor in Multiple Inheritance in C++Constructor is automatically called when the object is created. Multiple Inheritance: Multiple Inheritance is a feature of C++ where a class can derive from several(two or more) base classes.

Which constructor is not a copy constructor?

Any other constructor is not a copy constructor. The copy constructor may be used as a normal ctor, but is used implicitly by the language for copy assignment Coffe c = other_coffee, which is then equivalent to Coffee c(other_coffee), and when passing the object by value to a function, e.g. drink(Coffee)requires a copy.

What is constructor in multiple inheritance?

The constructors of inherited classes are called in the same order in which they are inherited. …. Example 1: Below is the C++ program to show the concept of Constructor in Multiple Inheritance.

Is it possible to copy construct a subclass from another class?

You cannot copy construct a subclass (Coffee) from any and all arbitrary objects that sub-classes from super class Drink. So, the answer has to be that you must limit the copy constructor accept the same class (Coffee) for the copy constructor.

What is the difference between copy constructor and assignment operator?

Copy constructor is called when a new object is created from an existing object, as a copy of the existing object. Assignment operator is called when an already initialized object is assigned a new value from another existing object. In the above example (1) calls copy constructor and (2) calls assignment operator. See this for more details.

2 Answers

Here is what happens in your code:

int main() 
    vector<Base> v;    // 1
    Base b('b');       // 2
    Child c;           // 3

    v.push_back(b);    // 4
    v.push_back(c);    // 5
    return 0; 
}                      // 6
  1. line 1: vector v constructed

  2. line 2: Base b constructed (calling Base's constructor)

  3. line 3: Child c constructed (calling Child's constructor and Base's constructor)

  4. line 4: v is current at maximum capacity and needs to be resized.
    Memory is allocated for 1 element of Base by v.
    Base b copied into v[0] (calling Base's copy constructor).

  5. line 5: v is again at maximum capacity and needs to be resized.
    Memory is allocated for 2 elements of Base by v.
    The old v[0] is copied into the new v[0] (calling Base's copy constructor).
    The old v[0] is deleted (calling Base's destructor ("Base destructor: b")).
    Child c is copied into v[1] (calling Base's copy constructor).

  6. line 6: c, b, and v run out of scope.
    Child c is deleted (calling Child's destructor ("Child destructor") then Base's destructor ("Base destructor: c").
    Base b is deleted (calling Base's destructor ("Base destructor: b")).
    Base v[0], v[1] are deleted (calling Base's destructor twice ("Base destructor: b", "Base destructor: c")).

There is no memory leak - for every constructor in the above sequence a corresponding destructor is called.

Additionally, you seem to be very confused about copy constructors. Child c gets passed to push_back as a Base& - which then calls Base's copy constructor as expected. Since Base's implicit copy constructor is not virtual or overriden, having Child derive from uncopyable does nothing to change this.

Note that a vector<Base> cannot ever store an object of type Child; it only knows to allocate enough memory for a Base. What occurs when assigning an instance of Child to a Base is known as slicing, which, while often unintended and misunderstood, seems like it may actually be what you want in your described scenario.

like image 93
imasloen Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11


I was expecting to get a compile-time error whenever I try to copy an object of type Child.

You aren't copying a Child object. When you put Child c into a vector<Base>, only the Base gets copied. It's basically the same as executing b = c;. If you do copy/assign Child you will get an error.

Child d = c;  // compile error

The default copy constructor will call the copy constructors of any base class and member objects and do a bitwise copy for primitives and pointers.

like image 44
xan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11
