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Copy an entire row from one sheet to another based upon a single word, within a paragraph, inside a cell




I'm looking to copy a row from one sheet to another based upon having a specific word in the cell. I have a sheet one, called "data" and a sheet two called "final".

Here is an example of the data

A         B            C               D  
john      mary         555.555.4939    initial reply to phone conversation  
Jim       jack         555.555.5555    floor estimate for bathroom  
jerry     kim          555.555.5553    initial response to phone call

I'd like to copy the entire row from sheet "data" to a sheet "final" if the data in column D contains either the word "reply" or the word "response".

like image 706
jason Avatar asked Apr 13 '10 13:04


People also ask

How do you copy a row if it contains certain text to another worksheet?

Use the shortcut CTRL C to copy the data (this will copy visible records only) Navigate to the worksheet that you want to copy the records to. Click in the cell that you want to paste your records into. Use the shortcut CTRL V or ENTER to paste the copied records.

1 Answers

This should work

Sub Foo()

Dim i As Long, iMatches As Long
Dim aTokens() As String: aTokens = Split("reply,response", ",")

For Each cell In Sheets("data").Range("D:D")

    If (Len(cell.Value) = 0) Then Exit For

    For i = 0 To UBound(aTokens)
        If InStr(1, cell.Value, aTokens(i), vbTextCompare) Then
            iMatches = (iMatches + 1)
            Sheets("data").Rows(cell.Row).Copy Sheets("final").Rows(iMatches)
        End If


End Sub
like image 186
Alex K. Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09

Alex K.