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converting whole project to CoffeeScript with js2coffee


js2coffe does work only with single file input/output redirection. to convert a whole project and it's directory structure can be a real pain.

Want to convert a ExpressJS default application project incl. it's directory structure?

Check out the script below

like image 401
Inoperable Avatar asked Dec 30 '12 15:12


People also ask

Should you use CoffeeScript?

CoffeeScript is something that makes even good JavaScript code better. CoffeeScript compiled code can do everything that natively written JavaScript code can, only the code produced by using CoffeeScript is way shorter, and much easier to read.

How do I use CoffeeScript in HTML?

You simple need to add a <script type="text/coffeescript" src="app. coffee"></script> to execute coffee script code in an HTML file. In other cases, I've seen people use the attributes of type="coffeescript" and type="coffee" , so they might work for you as well. Save this answer.

1 Answers

UPDATE: Please check the short version of this script below if you are in a hurry.

A simple Bash script does the Job for ya:


for FILE in `find . -name "*.js" -type f -o -path './node_modules' -prune -o -path './components' -prune`
    if [ -e $FILE ] ; then        

        echo "converting ${FILE} to ${COFFEE}"
        js2coffee "$FILE" > "$COFFEE"
        echo "File: {$1} does not exist!"

make a file, for example all2coffee, put it in /usr/local/bin, add an chmod + x flag it in terminal


js2coffee installed globally, if not yet instaleld do: npm install -g js2coffee


for loop:

for FILE in `find arguments` .... means:

find output is assigned to FILE string every time find stumbles upon a .js file

find parameters:

-name "*.js" grab all files with .js ending

-type f must be of type file since we don't want .js dir's but file's only

-o -path './node_modules' -prune

excludes files in dir's ./node_modules adding -prune is crucial, otherwise find will descend into the dir and print *.js files found in the directory

do block:

if [ -e ${FILE} ] ; then

-e flag checks if the string from FILE is a existing file on the filesystem, otherwise else is executed.

string manipulation:


we assing thte COFFEE variable a string where we replace .js with .coffee through the bash string manipulation: ${STRING//match_this/replace_with}


js2coffee "$FILE" > "$COFFEE" we feed js2coffee with FILE and COFFEE as strings


You like to move all of your converted .coffee files to a new directory, but keep the structure?

Use find with rsync in Linux or ditto on Os X since cp won't create directories needed by this command. Here a little script to execute in the main dir that will do the job

all .coffee files will in the /coffee dir copying the .js files hierarchy

for FILE in `find . -name "*.coffee"`
    ditto .${FILE/./} coffee${FILE/./}    

execute this after you converted your files to .coffee


you can swap ditto or rsync with mv after the first run to move the files since mv like cp does not create sub dirs.


added an one liner for those on time, see my second answer below!


added an option to exclude ./node_modules directory from conversion, for those who don't want to convert their dependencies

like image 197
Inoperable Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 09:10
