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Converting to unicode characters in Perl?




I want to convert the text ( Hindi ) to Unicode in Perl. I have searched in CPAN. But, I could not find the exact module/way which I am looking for. Basically, I am looking for something like this.

My Input is:

इस परीक्षण के लिए है

My expected output is:


How to achieve this in Perl?

Give me some suggestions.

like image 635
vara Avatar asked Sep 22 '14 10:09


People also ask

Does Perl support Unicode?

While Perl does not implement the Unicode standard or the accompanying technical reports from cover to cover, Perl does support many Unicode features. Also, the use of Unicode may present security issues that aren't obvious, see "Security Implications of Unicode" below.

Is UTF 8 Unicode?

UTF-8 is a Unicode character encoding method. This means that UTF-8 takes the code point for a given Unicode character and translates it into a string of binary. It also does the reverse, reading in binary digits and converting them back to characters.

How do I encode in Perl?

$octets = encode(ENCODING, $string [, CHECK]) Encodes a string from Perl's internal form into ENCODING and returns a sequence of octets. ENCODING can be either a canonical name or an alias. For encoding names and aliases, see Defining Aliases. For CHECK, see Handling Malformed Data.

What is Unicode character?

Unicode is an international character encoding standard that provides a unique number for every character across languages and scripts, making almost all characters accessible across platforms, programs, and devices.

1 Answers

Try this

use utf8;

my $str = 'इस परीक्षण के लिए है';

for my $c (split //, $str) {
    printf("\\u%04x", ord($c));
print "\n";
like image 200
Oleg G Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Oleg G