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Converting String to Datetime Rails

I'm using LazyHighCharts and trying to convert json data to display only the last 24hrs, I'm having some troubles converting the date and time ("2014-06-16 16:00:00") to milliseconds.

data structure

{"status": "ok", "data": [{"2014-06-16 16:00:00": 24.2},{"2014-06-17 12:00:00": 30.2},{"2014-06-18 17:00:00": 42.9}]} etc


@data = JSON.parse(open(@temperature.url).read)

dates = []
temps = []

@data['data'].each do |data|
 dates << data.keys
 temps << data.values

datetime = dates.each do |d| DateTime.parse(d).to_i end

@graph = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new('graph') do |f|
 f.chart(:height => '400')
 f.yAxis [:title => {:text => "Temperature", :margin => 20, style: { color: '#333'}}]
 f.series(:pointInterval => 1.hour, :pointStart => 30.day.ago, :type => 'area', :name => '24hrs', :data => [[datetime, temps]])
 f.options[:xAxis] = { :minTickInterval => 24 * 3600 * 1000, :type => "datetime", :dateTimeLabelFormats => { day: "%b %e"}, :title => { :text => nil }, :labels => { :enabled => true } }
like image 601
DollarChills Avatar asked Aug 19 '14 23:08


1 Answers

You need to covert sstring to dateTime as the first, Use this code:

DateTime.parse("2011-05-19 10:30:14").strftime('%Q')

Or this code:

"2014-06-16 16:00:00".to_datetime.strftime('%Q')

So you can convert array of strings of dates as the following:

dates.map!{|d| d.to_datetime.strftime('%Q')}

Helper links: link-1, link-2

like image 81
Mohamed Yakout Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09

Mohamed Yakout