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Converting PIL GdkPixbuf

How can I convert PIL Image in pixbuf?. I tried to change many examples but no solution

import array
from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf

def image2pixbuf(self,im):
    arr = array.array('B', im.tostring())
    height, width = im.size
    return GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_data(arr, GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB,
                                      True, 8, width, height, width * 4)


TypeError: new_from_data () takes Exactly 9 arguments (7 given)

I use Pygobject https://live.gnome.org/PyGObject

like image 666
Plaoo Avatar asked Nov 04 '22 01:11


2 Answers

I have encountered the same problem with Gtk3. GdkPixbuf.PixbufDestroyNotify - NotImplementedError - python gtk3

It seems that there is a bug. I have reported it. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=674691

Gtk3 has this bug. But you can still do it in Gtk2.

like image 142
Froyo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11


This is how I did it in PyGtk, maybe this still works (I'm copying the code after pygi-convert'ed it):

import Image
import StringIO
from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf

def thumbnail_image(self, image):
    """Creates a thumbnail GdkPixbuf of given image"""

    # Create thumbnail
    img = Image.open(image)
    img.thumbnail((200, 300), Image.ANTIALIAS)

    # Convert to GdkPixbuf
    if img.mode != 'RGB':          # Fix IOError: cannot write mode P as PPM
        img = img.convert('RGB')
    buff = StringIO.StringIO()
    img.save(buff, 'ppm')
    contents = buff.getvalue()
    loader = GdkPixbuf.PixbufLoader('pnm')
    loader.write(contents, len(contents))
    pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf()

    return pixbuf

Kind regards

EDIT: Ok, this seems to be working... I just so hate PyGObject poor C ported API (until now...).

Code (test.py):

import Image
import StringIO
from gi.repository import Gtk, GdkPixbuf
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join

WHERE_AM_I = abspath(dirname(__file__))

class MyApp(object):

    def __init__(self):
        # Build GUI
        self.builder = Gtk.Builder()
        self.glade_file = join(WHERE_AM_I, 'test.glade')

        # Get objects
        go = self.builder.get_object
        self.window = go('window')
        self.image = go('image')

        # Load image
        path = join(WHERE_AM_I, 'logo.png')
        thumbnail = self.thumbnail_image(path)

        # Connect signals

        # Everything is ready

    def main_quit(self, widget):

    def thumbnail_image(self, image):
        """Creates a thumbnail GdkPixbuf of given image"""

        # Create thumbnail
        img = Image.open(image)
        img.thumbnail((200, 300), Image.ANTIALIAS)

        # Convert to GdkPixbuf
        if img.mode != 'RGB':          # Fix IOError: cannot write mode P as PPM
            img = img.convert('RGB')
        buff = StringIO.StringIO()
        img.save(buff, 'ppm')
        contents = buff.getvalue()
        loader = GdkPixbuf.PixbufLoader.new_with_type('pnm')
        pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf()

        return pixbuf

if __name__ == '__main__':
    gui = MyApp()

Glade file (test.glade):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.0 -->
  <object class="GtkWindow" id="window">
    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
    <property name="window_position">center-always</property>
    <property name="default_width">300</property>
    <property name="default_height">200</property>
    <signal name="destroy" handler="main_quit" swapped="no"/>
      <object class="GtkImage" id="image">
        <property name="visible">True</property>
        <property name="can_focus">False</property>

What it looks like:

Result of converting PIL Image to GdkPixbuf

(Improvements to add Alpha channel support are welcome)

Kind regards

like image 40
Havok Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
