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converting multiple columns from character to numeric format in r

What is the most efficient way to convert multiple columns in a data frame from character to numeric format?

I have a dataframe called DF with all character variables.

I would like to do something like

for (i in names(DF){
    DF$i <- as.numeric(DF$i)

Thank you

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ec0n0micus Avatar asked Mar 31 '14 21:03


People also ask

How do I convert multiple columns to numeric in R?

To convert columns of an R data frame from integer to numeric we can use lapply function. For example, if we have a data frame df that contains all integer columns then we can use the code lapply(df,as. numeric) to convert all of the columns data type into numeric data type.

How do you make multiple columns as numeric?

Use the lapply() Function to Convert Multiple Columns From Integer to Numeric Type in R. Base R's lapply() function allows us to apply a function to elements of a list. We will apply the as. numeric() function.

How do I convert columns to numeric in R?

To convert a column to numeric in R, use the as. numeric() function. The as. numeric() is a built-in R function that returns a numeric value or converts any value to a numeric value.

How do I convert multiple columns to factors in R?

In R, you can convert multiple numeric variables to factor using lapply function. The lapply function is a part of apply family of functions. They perform multiple iterations (loops) in R. In R, categorical variables need to be set as factor variables.

How do I convert character to numeric in R?

We can convert to numeric by using as. numeric() function. Example: R.

3 Answers

You could try

DF <- data.frame("a" = as.character(0:5),
                 "b" = paste(0:5, ".1", sep = ""),
                 "c" = letters[1:6],
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Check columns classes
sapply(DF, class)

#           a           b           c 
# "character" "character" "character" 

cols.num <- c("a","b")
DF[cols.num] <- sapply(DF[cols.num],as.numeric)
sapply(DF, class)

#          a           b           c 
#  "numeric"   "numeric" "character"
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Luca Braglia Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Luca Braglia

If you're already using the tidyverse, there are a few solution depending on the exact situation.

Basic if you know it's all numbers and doesn't have NAs


# solution
dataset %>% mutate_if(is.character,as.numeric)

Test cases

df <- data.frame(
  x1 = c('1','2','3'),
  x2 = c('4','5','6'),
  x3 = c('1','a','x'), # vector with alpha characters
  x4 = c('1',NA,'6'), # numeric and NA
  x5 = c('1',NA,'x'), # alpha and NA
  stringsAsFactors = F)

# display starting structure
df %>% str()

Convert all character vectors to numeric (could fail if not numeric)

df %>%
  select(-x3) %>% # this removes the alpha column if all your character columns need converted to numeric
  mutate_if(is.character,as.numeric) %>%

Check if each column can be converted. This can be an anonymous function. It returns FALSE if there is a non-numeric or non-NA character somewhere. It also checks if it's a character vector to ignore factors. na.omit removes original NAs before creating "bad" NAs.

is_all_numeric <- function(x) {
  !any(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(na.omit(x))))) & is.character(x)
df %>% 
  mutate_if(is_all_numeric,as.numeric) %>%

If you want to convert specific named columns, then mutate_at is better.

df %>% mutate_at('x1', as.numeric) %>% str()
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ARobertson Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10


You can use index of columns: data_set[,1:9] <- sapply(dataset[,1:9],as.character)

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Masimi Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10
