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Converting lat-long to PostGIS geometry without querying the database

I have a table in postgresql with a PostGIS geometry(point, 4326) column (location, using SRID 4326) and I have a Python application that using SQL Alchemy updates the table (the rest of the columns) without any problem.

Now, I need to update the location column and I know I can use the proper text representation of a given location to update the column using SQL Alchemy without the need to use GEOAlchemy, for instance I can update the column with the value: '0101000020E6100000AEAC7EB61F835DC0241CC418A2F74040'

which corresponds to lat:33.9346343 long:-118.0488106

The question is: is there a way to compute in Python this '0101000020E6100000AEAC7EB61F835DC0241CC418A2F74040' having this (33.9346343 ,-118.0488106) as an input without querying the database? or any way to update the column using a proper text input?

I know I can use SQLAlchemy to execute this query:

select st_setsrid(st_makepoint(-118.0488106, 33.9346343),4326)

and obtain the value to update the column, but I want to avoid that.

Thanks in advance!

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Sergio Ayestarán Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 16:03

Sergio Ayestarán

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1 Answers

The solution to this problem is rather easier than it seems. To update the field using text and the input lat-long all I needed to do was defining the SRID in the text assign:

location = 'SRID=4326;POINT(-118.0488106 33.9346343)'

This will update the geometry(point,4326) column properly and when you do a select in the table the value of the column is the expected one:


Thanks guys!

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Sergio Ayestarán Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10

Sergio Ayestarán