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Converting inputStream to FileInputStream?

I am in a problem - i need to read SecretKey from Android APK (e.g. key.keystore), for my app it has to be read as a FileInputStream, but from assets I am getting only inputStream. How to convert inputStream to FileInputStream? Or is there any other way, how to acces file from e.g. resources as a fileInputStream?


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Waypoint Avatar asked Apr 24 '11 17:04


People also ask

What is the difference between FileInputStream and InputStream?

There is no real difference. FileInputStream extends InputStream , and so you can assign an InputStream object to be a FileInputStream object. In the end, it's the same object, so the same operations will happen. This behavior is called Polymorphism and is very important in Object-Oriented Programming.

How do I change InputStream to String?

To convert an InputStream Object int to a String using this method. Instantiate the Scanner class by passing your InputStream object as parameter. Read each line from this Scanner using the nextLine() method and append it to a StringBuffer object. Finally convert the StringBuffer to String using the toString() method.

3 Answers

Why do you need a FileInputStream specifically? In general, you don't have to care about the underlying implementation of the InputStream, you just read from it. Maybe your implementation should be InputStream agnostic.

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dmon Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09


I think you are referring to AssetManager.open() that returns an InputStream. There is no need to "convert" it to a FileInputStream, just get the reference to the InputStream and use it (wrap it in a BufferedInputStream if you want).

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aromero Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09


I don't think this is possible because a FileInputStream is simply a InputStream for Files. It does the job of getting an InputStream from the defined file for you, after that you're working with a normal InputStream.

Android already did this Job for you. So why do you need a FileInputStream?

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Lukas Knuth Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 07:09

Lukas Knuth