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Converting HTML to odt, doc, docx

Is there an easy way to convert HTML(with CSS styles and embedded images) to ODT, DOCX, DOC from the command line on linux server. I searched a lot but have not found a good option. There was a problem the same way to convert to PDF, decided by wkhtmltopdf. Perhaps there are ways to convert the resulting PDF documents to other formats?

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user1081056 Avatar asked Dec 05 '11 07:12


Video Answer

2 Answers

To convert to odt it's pretty easy after installing pandoc.

After the relatively hard part: from odt (or even html) you can script (Open|Libre)Office via e.g. unoconv

Or you can like:

abiword --to=doc filename.odt

Also see this thread, and this blog post.


like image 127
Zsolt Botykai Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 16:10

Zsolt Botykai

I found soultion - is abiword in console variant.

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user1081056 Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 16:10
