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Converting convex hull to binary mask

I want to generate a binary mask that has ones for all voxels inside and zeros for all voxels outside a volume. The volume is defined by the convex hull around a set of 3D coordinates (<100; some of the coordinates are inside the volume).

I can get the convex hull using CONVHULLN, but how do I convert that into a binary mask?

In case there is no good way to go via the convex hull, do you have any other idea how I could create the binary mask?

like image 765
Jonas Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 00:12


1 Answers

You can solve this problem using the DelaunayTri class and the pointLocation method. Here's an example:

pointMatrix = rand(20,3);       %# A set of 20 random 3-D points
dt = DelaunayTri(pointMatrix);  %# Create a Delaunay triangulation
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(0:0.01:1);   %# Create a mesh of coordinates for your volume
simplexIndex = pointLocation(dt,X(:),Y(:),Z(:));  %# Find index of simplex that
                                                  %#   each point is inside
mask = ~isnan(simplexIndex);    %# Points outside the convex hull have a
                                %#   simplex index of NaN
mask = reshape(mask,size(X));   %# Reshape the mask to 101-by-101-by-101

The above example creates a logical mask for a 101-by-101-by-101 mesh spanning the unit volume (0 to 1 in each dimension), with a 1 (true) for the mesh points inside the convex hull of the 3-D point set.

like image 162
gnovice Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 14:12
