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Converting Bytea to Json



I'm trying to analyse Data in a Postgresql-Database which is a Json-Text but stored in a bytea-column. Some of the rows can be converted, but others not. Json without CodePoints inside the text works fine when casting the encoded bytea

select encode(myByteaColumn, 'escape')::json -> aJsonProperty as myProp from myTable

But for some rows this fails, because there are some Encoded CodePoints inside the string like the German Umlauts (Ä,Ö, etc.), German words like Zuständigkeit are shown as Zust\303\244ndigkeit when encoding the bytea like this

select encode(myByteaColumn, 'escape') from myTable

The Database is set to UTF-8.

like image 413
Chris Avatar asked May 17 '19 14:05


1 Answers

demo: db<>fiddle

convert_from() works for me:

SELECT convert_from(decode('Zuständigkeit', 'escape'),'UTF8')

SELECT convert_from(decode('{"Zuständigkeit":"ABC"}', 'escape'),'UTF8')::jsonb -> 'Zuständigkeit'

As a side note, you were getting \303\244, because according to this section in the PostgreSQL documentation, the encode(data bytea, 'escape') function:

converts zero bytes and high-bit-set bytes to octal sequences (\nnn) and doubles backslashes.

like image 73
S-Man Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10
