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Converting an int to a binary string representation in Java?

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How do you convert integer to binary representation?

To convert integer to binary, start with the integer in question and divide it by 2 keeping notice of the quotient and the remainder. Continue dividing the quotient by 2 until you get a quotient of zero. Then just write out the remainders in the reverse order.

What is binary string in Java?

It is of int data-type. Return Value: This function returns the string representation of the unsigned Integer value represented by the argument in binary (base 2). Examples: Input : 10 Output : 1010 Input : 9 Output : 1001. // Java program to demonstrate. // java.lang.Integer.toBinaryString() method.

Integer.toBinaryString(int i)

There is also the java.lang.Integer.toString(int i, int base) method, which would be more appropriate if your code might one day handle bases other than 2 (binary). Keep in mind that this method only gives you an unsigned representation of the integer i, and if it is negative, it will tack on a negative sign at the front. It won't use two's complement.

public static string intToBinary(int n)
    String s = "";
    while (n > 0)
        s =  ( (n % 2 ) == 0 ? "0" : "1") +s;
        n = n / 2;
    return s;

One more way- By using java.lang.Integer you can get string representation of the first argument i in the radix (Octal - 8, Hex - 16, Binary - 2) specified by the second argument.

 Integer.toString(i, radix)


private void getStrtingRadix() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         /* returns the string representation of the 
          unsigned integer in concern radix*/
         System.out.println("Binary eqivalent of 100 = " + Integer.toString(100, 2));
         System.out.println("Octal eqivalent of 100 = " + Integer.toString(100, 8));
         System.out.println("Decimal eqivalent of 100 = " + Integer.toString(100, 10));
         System.out.println("Hexadecimal eqivalent of 100 = " + Integer.toString(100, 16));


Binary eqivalent of 100 = 1100100
Octal eqivalent of 100 = 144
Decimal eqivalent of 100 = 100
Hexadecimal eqivalent of 100 = 64

public class Main  {

   public static String toBinary(int n, int l ) throws Exception {
       double pow =  Math.pow(2, l);
       StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder();
        if ( pow < n ) {
            throw new Exception("The length must be big from number ");
       int shift = l- 1;
       for (; shift >= 0 ; shift--) {
           int bit = (n >> shift) & 1;
           if (bit == 1) {
           } else {
       return binary.toString();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        System.out.println(" binary = " + toBinary(7, 4));
        System.out.println(" binary = " + Integer.toString(7,2));

This is something I wrote a few minutes ago just messing around. Hope it helps!

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    ArrayList<Integer> powers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    ArrayList<Integer> binaryStore = new ArrayList<Integer>();


    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println("Welcome to Paden9000 binary converter. Please enter an integer you wish to convert: ");
    int input = sc.nextInt();
    int printableInput = input;

    for (int i : powers) {
        if (input < i) {
        } else {
            input = input - i;

    String newString= binaryStore.toString();
    String finalOutput = newString.replace("[", "")
            .replace(" ", "")
            .replace("]", "")
            .replace(",", "");

    System.out.println("Integer value: " + printableInput + "\nBinary value: " + finalOutput);


Convert Integer to Binary:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class IntegerToBinary {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );

        System.out.println("Enter Integer: ");
        String integerString =input.nextLine();

        System.out.println("Binary Number: "+Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.parseInt(integerString)));



Enter Integer:


Binary Number: 1010