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Converting an Ant fileset to multiple apply args

I have some files:


In an Ant apply task, I want to pass the list of files as arguments:

<target name="atask">
    <apply executable="${cmd}" parallel="false" verbose="true">
        <arg value="-in"/>
        <arg value="dir/foo.txt"/>
        <arg value="dir/bar.txt"/>
        <arg value="dir/foobar.txt"/>

        <fileset dir="${list.dir}" includes="*.list"/>

This works fine, but what if I want to pick the list of files dynamically, using a fileset:

<fileset dir="dir" includes="*.txt"/>

How can I convert this fileset to arg elements - one per file? Something like:

    <fileset dir="dir" includes="*.txt"/>

instead of

<arg value="dir/foo.txt"/>
<arg value="dir/bar.txt"/>
<arg value="dir/foobar.txt"/>

(This example doesn't work because arg doesn't support fileset)

like image 818
Jmini Avatar asked Jan 27 '10 16:01


1 Answers

Here's an example illustrating the use of the pathconvert task.

The converted path is passed to the executable using <arg line />.

This assumes no spaces in the paths of your *.txt files.

<target name="atask">
    <fileset dir="dir" id="myTxts">
        <include name="*.txt" />
    <pathconvert property="cmdTxts" refid="myTxts" pathsep=" " />

    <apply executable="${cmd}" parallel="false" verbose="true">
        <arg value="-in" />
        <srcfile />
        <arg line="${cmdTxts}" />

        <fileset dir="${list.dir}" includes="*.list" />

If you might encounter spaces this should do: as above, but change (hopefully obvious which lines) to:

    <pathconvert property="cmdTxts" refid="myTxts" pathsep="' '" />


        <arg line="'${cmdTxts}'"/>
like image 52
martin clayton Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 20:11

martin clayton