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Converting a Symbol into a String



Is there a way to covert a Symbol into a String?

For instance, a VariableMirror returns Symbols instead of Strings. Is there a way to convert a Symbol into a String, so I can print all the variable names of a class?

like image 349
Victor Savkin Avatar asked Apr 17 '13 11:04

Victor Savkin

People also ask

Can symbols be strings?

Strings can be changed, symbols cannot. In the above example, I was able to change the value of the str variable by concatenating a new string to it. When I tried to do this to the sym variable, I got an undefined method error message, because symbols are immutable!

How do I convert a string to a symbol in Ruby?

Ruby supports both Strings & Symbols. String being mutable & Symbols being immutable cater to different needs. We can convert String to Symbol & Symbol to String at any time. To convert a string to a symbol, we can use intern method or to_sym method which are aliases to each other.

What is difference between string and symbol?

What is the difference between a symbol and a string? A string, in Ruby, is a mutable series of characters or bytes. Symbols, on the other hand, are immutable values. Just like the integer 2 is a value.

What is To_sym Ruby?

Symbol#to_sym() : to_sym() is a Symbol class method which returns the symbol representation of the symbol object. Syntax: Symbol.to_sym() Parameter: Symbol values. Return: the symbol representation of the symbol object.

1 Answers

Use MirrorSystem.getName():

import 'dart:mirrors';

void main() {
  var sym = new Symbol('test');

This outputs:

like image 147
Darshan Rivka Whittle Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 03:10

Darshan Rivka Whittle