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Converting a ruby method from method() to ().method



I'm very new to programming so I'm sorry if I'm asking a really simple question. I've also already done my research and I still can't get what I want so I'm asking here.

So I'm writing a simple camelcase method - All words must have their first letter capitalized without spaces. Right now in order to call this function I have to type camelcase("hello there") which would return "Hello There" in interactive ruby. I am wondering how to convert this method into a different type of method(I think it's called a class method?) which would allow me to do this instead: "hello there".camelcase #=> "Hello There"

I've also seen that the syntax would be like so:

class String
  def method()

But I really don't know how to apply it...

def camelcase(string)
  newArray = []
  newNewArray = []
  array = string.split(" ")
  for i in 0...array.length
    newArray << array[i].capitalize
  newNewArray = newArray.join(" ")
like image 950
zacty Avatar asked Feb 02 '18 14:02


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2 Answers

In this way. I've used your_camelcase because I'm not sure if that method does not exist in Ruby String class. Anyway, this is an instance method and you should use self to refer to your string

class String
  def your_camelcase
    newArray = []
    newNewArray = []
    array = self.split(" ")
    for i in 0...array.length
      newArray << array[i].capitalize
    newArray.join(" ")
like image 72
Ursus Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 00:11


You're almost there. Just put that method into String class. Inside of that method, self will refer to the string. You don't need to (and can't) pass it as a parameter.

class String
  def camelcase
    newArray = []
    newNewArray = []
    array = self.split(" ")
    for i in 0...array.length
      newArray << array[i].capitalize
    newNewArray = newArray.join(" ")

'hello there'.camelcase # => "Hello There"
like image 30
Sergio Tulentsev Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 23:11

Sergio Tulentsev