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converter software for fortran 77 to fortran 90 [closed]

i have coding for fortran 77 but i want to converted to fortran 90..where can i donwload the converter software??

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yellow Avatar asked Jul 22 '10 03:07


2 Answers

Here is a python solution that I helped write: https://github.com/arktools/fortran_tools

It successfully converted the entire airforce f77 datcom code to f90, so it is well tested. I will be adding some more features as I have time.

If anyone finds it useful/ and makes modifications, feel free to contribute to the project.

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user1530392 Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10


The first hit on a Google query for "fortran 77 convert 90" returned this page, which has 3 free tools and 2 commercial ones listed (after clicking the link for "Subprograms, Converters, Key Works"). I've not used Fortran in quite a while, and can't vouch for the quality of any of these tools.

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PTBNL Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10