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Convert XML to JSON object in Android


I have an XML string as shown below:

<s:Envelope  xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><s:Body><Response  xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"><UserResult><Users xmlns=""><User> <Message>Success</Message> <UserId>213213213</UserId> <FullName>Abc</FullName> <Roles> <Role> <RoleId>23232333</RoleId> <RoleName>Salesperson</RoleName> </Role> </Roles> </User> </Users> </UserResult></Response> </s:Body> </s:Envelope> 

Is it possible to convert XML to JSON?

like image 419
sharry Avatar asked Aug 20 '13 14:08


People also ask

How do I convert XML to JSON?

To convert an XML document to JSON, follow these steps: Select the XML to JSON action from the Tools > JSON Tools menu. Choose or enter the Input URL of the XML document. Choose the path of the Output file that will contain the resulting JSON document.

Can we convert XML to JSON in Java?

We can convert XML to JSON array using org. json. XML class, this provides a static method, XML. toJSONObject() to convert XML to JSON array.

What is XML file in Android Studio?

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language, which is a way of describing data using a text-based document. Because XML is extensible and very flexible, it's used for many different things, including defining the UI layout of Android apps.

1 Answers

You can try this way as well. I have tried and tested it myself.

Step 1 : Please Download the java-json.jar

Step 2: Add this to /libs folder of your project then add to build path.

Step 3: Then use it as follows

  • Imports to look for

    import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.XML; 
  • Sample string

    String sampleXml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"     + "<mobilegate>"     +"<timestamp>232423423423</timestamp>"                           + "<txn>" + "Transaction" + "</txn>"  + "<amt>" + 0 + "</amt>"  + "</mobilegate>";  
  • Json String

    JSONObject jsonObj = null; try {     jsonObj = XML.toJSONObject(sampleXml); } catch (JSONException e) {     Log.e("JSON exception", e.getMessage());     e.printStackTrace(); }   Log.d("XML", sampleXml);  Log.d("JSON", jsonObj.toString()); 



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mobilegate><timestamp>232423423423</timestamp><txn>Transaction</txn><amt>0</amt></mobilegate>



like image 61
Ritesh Gune Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 20:10

Ritesh Gune