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Convert Timestamp without timezone to integer Postgres


I've inherited a database with a quirky schema. Without boring of the details I have an odd use case.

The table contains a filed completed_at that is a timestamp without timezone. What I'm trying to do is order the results by the timestamp where the timestamp is > X

The kicker is X is a numeric (or decimal) value. Trying to convert the timestamp to int is failing or even to string.

If you simply try completed_at > 0 you get

like image 802
CogitoErgoSum Avatar asked Jan 26 '15 17:01


People also ask

What is timestamp without timezone in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL 2 temporal data types namely timestamp and timestamptz where one is without timezone and the later is with timezone respectively, are supported to store Time and Date to a column. Both timestamp and timestamptz uses 8 bytes for storing timestamp values.

What is the difference between timestamp and Timestamptz?

TIMESTAMPTZ is the same as TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE : both data types store the UTC offset of the specified time. TIMESTAMP is an alias for DATETIME and SMALLDATETIME .

What is Timestamptz in PostgreSQL?

The timestamptz datatype is a time zone-aware date and time data type. PostgreSQL stores the timestamptz in UTC value. When you insert a value into a timestamptz column, PostgreSQL converts the timestamptz value into a UTC value and stores the UTC value in the table.

1 Answers

The only answer I found was in this message: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/3EE8B4ED.1060200%40pgsqldb.com

Basically, I guess, the answer is: select cast(extract(epoch from current_timestamp) as integer);

like image 54
Stas Shafeev Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

Stas Shafeev