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Convert the first element of an array to a string in PHP

I have a PHP array and want to convert it to a string.

I know I can use join or implode, but in my case array has only one item. Why do I have to use combine values in an array with only one item?

This array is the output of my PHP function which returns an array:

Array(18 => 'Something');

How do I convert this to a string?

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Daric Avatar asked Jun 07 '11 07:06


People also ask

How can we get the first element of an array in PHP?

There are several methods to get the first element of an array in PHP. Some of the methods are using foreach loop, reset function, array_slice function, array_values, array_reverse, and many more.

What is the name of function used to convert an array into a string?

PHP's implode function can be used to convert an array into a string --- it is similar to join in other languages. You can use it like so: $string_product = implode(',', $array);

What is implode in PHP?

The implode() is a builtin function in PHP and is used to join the elements of an array. implode() is an alias for PHP | join() function and works exactly same as that of join() function. If we have an array of elements, we can use the implode() function to join them all to form one string.

10 Answers

Is there any other way to convert that array into string ?

You don't want to convert the array to a string, you want to get the value of the array's sole element, if I read it correctly.

<?php   $foo = array( 18 => 'Something' );   $value = array_shift( $foo );   echo $value; // 'Something'.  ?> 

Using array_shift you don't have to worry about the index.

EDIT: Mind you, array_shift is not the only function that will return a single value. array_pop( ), current( ), end( ), reset( ), they will all return that one single element. All of the posted solutions work. Using array shift though, you can be sure that you'll only ever get the first value of the array, even when there are multiple.

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Berry Langerak Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09

Berry Langerak

Is there any other way to convert that array into string ?

Yes there is. serialize(). It can convert various data types (including object and arrays) into a string representation which you can unserialize() at a later time. Serializing an associative array such as Array(18 => 'Somthing') will preserve both keys and values:

<?php $a = array(18 => 'Something'); echo serialize($a);                                   // a:1:{i:18;s:9:"Something";} var_dump(unserialize('a:1:{i:18;s:9:"Something";}')); // array(1) {                                                       //   [18]=>                                                       //   string(9) "Something"                                                       // } 
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Salman A Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09

Salman A

A simple way to create a array to a PHP string array is:

    $array = array("firstname"=>"John", "lastname"=>"doe");
    $json = json_encode($array);
    $phpStringArray = str_replace(array("{", "}", ":"), 
                                  array("array(", "}", "=>"), $json);
    echo phpStringArray;
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Sven Simon Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Sven Simon

You can use the reset() function, it will return the first array member.

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Paolo Stefan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Paolo Stefan

implode or join (they're the exact same thing) would work here. Alternatively, you can just call array_pop and get the value of the only element in the array.

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John Hargrove Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09

John Hargrove

If your goal is output your array to a string for debbuging: you can use the print_r() function, which receives an expression parameter (your array), and an optional boolean return parameter. Normally the function is used to echo the array, but if you set the return parameter as true, it will return the array impression.


    //We create a 2-dimension Array as an example
    $ProductsArray = array();

    $row_array['Qty'] = 20;
    $row_array['Product'] = "Cars";


    $row_array2['Qty'] = 30;
    $row_array2['Product'] = "Wheels";


    //We save the Array impression into a variable using the print_r function
    $ArrayString = print_r($ProductsArray, 1);

    //You can echo the string
    echo $ArrayString;

    //or Log the string into a Log file
    $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
    $LogFile = "Log.txt";
    $fh = fopen($LogFile, 'a') or die("can't open file");
    $stringData = "--".$date."\n".$ArrayString."\n";
    fwrite($fh, $stringData);

This will be the output:

    [0] => Array
            [Qty] => 20
            [Product] => Cars

    [1] => Array
            [Qty] => 30
            [Product] => Wheels

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Jonatan Ienco Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09

Jonatan Ienco

You could use print_r and html interpret it to convert it into a string with newlines like this:

$arraystring = print_r($your_array, true); 

$arraystring = '<pre>'.print_r($your_array, true).'</pre>';

Or you could mix many arrays and vars if you do this

echo "blah blah";
$your_string_var = ob_get_clean();
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mexican_75 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09


A For() loop is very useful. You can add your array's value to another variable like this:

    $dizi=array('mother','father','child'); //This is array

    for ($i=0; $i<$sayi; $i++) {
        $dizin.=("'$dizi[$i]',"); //Now it is string...
         echo substr($dizin,0,-1); //Write it like string :D

In this code we added $dizi's values and comma to $dizin:



$dizin = 'mother', 'father', 'child',

It's a string, but it has an extra comma :)

And then we deleted the last comma, substr($dizin, 0, -1);



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BARIS KURT Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09


Since the issue of whitespace only comes up when exporting arrays, you can use the original var_export() for all other variable types. This function does the job, and, from the outside, works the same as var_export().


function var_export_min($var, $return = false) {
    if (is_array($var)) {
        $toImplode = array();
        foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
            $toImplode[] = var_export($key, true).'=>'.var_export_min($value, true);
        $code = 'array('.implode(',', $toImplode).')';
        if ($return) return $code;
        else echo $code;
    } else {
        return var_export($var, $return);



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ucefkh Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09


Convert an array to a string in PHP:

  1. Use the PHP join function like this:

    $my_array = array(4, 1, 8);
        [0] => 4
        [1] => 1
        [2] => 8
    $result_string = join(',', $my_array);
    echo $result_string;

    Which delimits the items in the array by comma into a string:

  2. Or use the PHP implode function like this:

    $my_array = array(4, 1, 8);
    echo implode($my_array);

    Which prints:

  3. Here is what happens if you join or implode key value pairs in a PHP array

    php> $keyvalues = array();
    php> $keyvalues['foo'] = "bar";
    php> $keyvalues['pyramid'] = "power";
    php> print_r($keyvalues);
        [foo] => bar
        [pyramid] => power
    php> echo join(',', $keyvalues);
    php> echo implode($keyvalues);
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Eric Leschinski Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09

Eric Leschinski