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Convert svg image to png with transparent background [closed]

How can I convert svg images to png with transparent background. I have almost 4000 svg images to covert. I tried to use many converter but they can't supply transparent background. i saw imagemagick . But how can I use this to convert all of my images at the same time. What can i do now.

like image 488
Faisal Ahmed Avatar asked Jul 12 '15 12:07

Faisal Ahmed

People also ask

Can you export SVG with transparent background?

You can follow the same steps for other types of files you need to export, such as an SVG file. Just make sure you select the correct file under the “Save as” type menu and make sure the Background Color is set to Transparent right before exporting.

Does PNG or SVG have transparent background?

PNGs and SVGs support transparency — so they're both excellent choices for online logos and graphics. It's worth noting that PNGs are one of the best choices for a raster-based transparent file. If you're working with pixels and transparency, PNGs are a better option than SVGs.

How do I get rid of the white background in SVG?

If the SVG file has all vector components you just select the white object, being the background, and delete it. If the SVG file has bitmap or raster elements included you will have to autotrace it and hope the best or redraw it. Alternatively you could take it back into a raster program.

Can I convert a SVG to a PNG?

Use Adobe Photoshop to convert SVG images to PNG images. Get lossless compression, preserve image resolution, and lower your file size by converting from SVG to PNG. Use Photoshop for a fast way to turn large file formats into smaller, easier-to-use graphic types.

1 Answers

Use ImageMagick like this:

mogrify -background none -format png *.svg

that says... "take all the SVG files and render them as PNG files with a transparent background."

ImageMagick is available from here. It is installed on most Linux distros and is available for OSX (ideally via homebrew) and also for Windows.

It's possible that will not work, if your SVG files are defined using, say, a rectangle of white as the background rather than defining a background properly in SVG terms. If there are files that don't work, please post them, so they can be checked.

If you are on Linux, you can use GNU Parallel to speed this up for thousands of files, but you didn't say.

like image 154
Mark Setchell Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10

Mark Setchell