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Convert strings to numbers with <v-edit-dialog> component in Vuetify

I have a Vuetify Datatable with inline editing using <v-edit-dialog> components.

enter image description here

The Calories column values are numbers, but when I edit them, they are converted to strings by default and I want them to stay as numbers. For example If I change Frozen Yogurt Calories from 159 to 30, the value becomes the string "30".

enter image description here

Code Snippet

    > {{ props.item.calories }}

I thought that using v-model.number and the type=number would solve the problem, but it's still happening.

This is a pen where you can reproduce my issue:


like image 424
Javier Cárdenas Avatar asked Oct 17 '22 10:10

Javier Cárdenas

1 Answers

v-model.number changes it to number correctly, but something else changes it back to string, probably .sync modifier.
Remove .sync modifier from :return-value.sync and it should work.

like image 69
Traxo Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 11:11
