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Convert string value "$false" to boolean variable

Reason I'm Doing This

I'm trying to set a token in a file I have. The contents of the token is 1 line in the file, and it's string value is $token=$false

Simplified to test code

When I try to convert this token into a bool value, I'm having some problems. So I wrote test code and found I'm not able to convert the string to a bool value.

[String]$strValue = "$false"
[Bool]$boolValue = $strValue

Write-Host '$boolValue =' $boolValue

This gives the following error...

Cannot convert value "System.String" to type "System.Boolean", parameters of this type only accept booleans or numbers, use $true, $false, 1 or 0 instead.
At :line:2 char:17
+   [Bool]$boolValue <<<<  = $strValue

As you can see, I am using the $false value as is suggested by the error message, but it's not accepting it. Any ideas?

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Fiddle Freak Avatar asked Mar 29 '16 00:03

Fiddle Freak

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To convert String to boolean in Java, you can use Boolean. parseBoolean(string). But if you want to convert String to Boolean object then use the method Boolean. valueOf(string) method.

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We convert a Number to Boolean by using the JavaScript Boolean() method. A JavaScript boolean results in one of the two values i.e true or false.

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The easiest way to convert string to boolean is to compare the string with 'true' : let myBool = (myString === 'true');

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Use the Boolean function to convert other types to a Boolean value. A Boolean value is true, false, or blank. In most cases, type coercion happens automatically and the Boolean function need not be used explicitly.

1 Answers

In PowerShell, the usual escape character is the backtick. Normal strings are interpolated: the $ symbol is understood and parsed by PowerShell. You need to escape the $ to prevent interpolation. This should work for you:

[String]$strValue = "`$false"

To convert "$true" or "$false" to a boolean in a generic way, you must first drop the leading $:

$strValue = $strValue.Substring(1)

Then convert to boolean:

[Boolean]$boolValue = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($strValue)

Using your code from your comment, the shortest solution would be:

$AD_Export_TokenFromConfigFile =
   [System.Convert]::ToBoolean(Get-Content $AD_Export_ConfigFile
                               | % {
                                      If($_ -match "SearchUsersInfoInAD_ConfigToken=") {
                                          ($_ -replace '*SearchUsersInfoInAD_ConfigToken*=','').Trim()
like image 84
Paul Hicks Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09

Paul Hicks