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Convert String to Bool in Swift - via API or most Swift-like approach




Is there an API to convert most possible String representations of Boolean values (e.g. "True", "true", "False", "false", "yes", "no", "1", "0") into a Bool in Swift?

If not, what would be the most Swift-like approach to coding this from scratch? Would it be a functional map() operation? Or something else?

The original source data in this instance is JSON, but I'm interested in the crux of solving the problem in the most Swift-like way possible and hence learning more about the language in the process.

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Andrew Ebling Avatar asked Jan 23 '15 09:01

Andrew Ebling

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2 Answers

There is not built in way AFAIK. Similar method to standard toInt() could be:

extension String {     var bool: Bool? {         switch self.lowercased() {         case "true", "t", "yes", "y":             return true         case "false", "f", "no", "n", "":             return false         default:             if let int = Int(string) {                 return int != 0             }             return nil         }     } } 
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Kirsteins Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 16:11


Typecasting along with a nice String extension and you're up and running

extension String { var boolValue: Bool {     return (self as NSString).boolValue }} 
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Nicolas Manzini Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 15:11

Nicolas Manzini