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Convert string (System.String) to type





I am trying to create a generic XML to object converter. In other words, the following is my XML


the type field holds the type of the object its loading back in. This is just the object structure I serailized in. Regardless, I am having an issue converting


into an actual type variable. So for instance, in order to convert I have the following code:

foreach (XNode node in document.Element(root).Nodes())
   T variable = new T(); //where T : new()

   foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
      field.SetValue(variable, Convert.ChangeType(((XElement)node).Element(field.Name).Value, field.FieldType));


which obtains objects back in a generic way. The algorithm works perfectly until it comes across the Type field. I get a:

Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'System.Type'.

run time error. From what I can tell it is having an issue directly converting a type identifier (string) directly into a type. I am not sure how to get around this issue, atleast when it comes to keeping things generic and clean. Any ideas? I am sorry if the issue is a bit vague, if you don't quite understand I will try to clarify further. Any help is greatly appreciated!

like image 785
Serguei Fedorov Avatar asked Oct 29 '12 16:10

Serguei Fedorov

2 Answers

You need to convert the string System.String into the type System.String.

You can do that with Type.GetType(string typeName);

For example, the type variable below will have the Type object of System.String.

var type = Type.GetType("System.String");

You can then use that Type in the Convert.ChangeType overload you're using.

Convert.ChangeType(fieldValue, type);
like image 159
ken Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09


Take a look at Type.GetType which has a variety of overloads to maps type specified as string to Type instances.

like image 24
Sean Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09
