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Convert string data into data frame





I am new to R, any suggestions would be appreciated.

This is the data:

coordinates <- "(-79.43591570873059, 43.68015339477487), (-79.43491506339724, 43.68036886994886), (-79.43394727223847, 43.680578504490335), (-79.43388162422195, 43.68058996121469), (-79.43281544978878, 43.680808044458765), (-79.4326971769691, 43.68079658822322)"

I would like this to become:

Latitude           Longitude
-79.43591570873059 43.68015339477487
-79.43491506339724 43.68036886994886
-79.43394727223847 43.680578504490335
-79.43388162422195 43.68058996121469
-79.43281544978878 43.680808044458765
-79.4326971769691  43.68079658822322
like image 376
Johnny Tang Avatar asked Dec 04 '19 04:12

Johnny Tang

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4 Answers

You can use scan with a little gsub:

matrix(scan(text = gsub("[()]", "", coordinates), sep = ","), 
       ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(NULL, c("Lat", "Long")))
# Read 12 items
#            Lat     Long
# [1,] -79.43592 43.68015
# [2,] -79.43492 43.68037
# [3,] -79.43395 43.68058
# [4,] -79.43388 43.68059
# [5,] -79.43282 43.68081
# [6,] -79.43270 43.68080

The precision is still there--just truncated in the matrix display.

Two clear advantages:

  • Fast.
  • Handles multi-element "coordinates" vector (eg: coordinates <- rep(coordinates, 10) as an input).

Here's another option:

fread(gsub("[()]", "", gsub("), (", "\n", toString(coordinates), fixed = TRUE)), header = FALSE)

The toString(coordinates) is for cases when length(coordinates) > 1. You could also use fread(text = gsub(...), ...) and skip using toString. I'm not sure of the advantages or limitations of either approach.

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A5C1D2H2I1M1N2O1R2T1 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10


We can use str_extract_all from stringr


df <- data.frame(Latitude = str_extract_all(coordinates, "(?<=\\()-\\d+\\.\\d+")[[1]], 
      Longitude = str_extract_all(coordinates, "(?<=,\\s)\\d+\\.\\d+(?=\\))")[[1]])
#            Latitude          Longitude
#1 -79.43591570873059  43.68015339477487
#2 -79.43491506339724  43.68036886994886
#3 -79.43394727223847 43.680578504490335
#4 -79.43388162422195  43.68058996121469
#5 -79.43281544978878 43.680808044458765
#6  -79.4326971769691  43.68079658822322

Latitude captures the negative decimal number from opening round brackets (() whereas Longitude captures it from comma (,) to closing round brackets ()).

Or without regex lookahead and behind and capturing it together using str_match_all

df <- data.frame(str_match_all(coordinates, 
                        "\\((-\\d+\\.\\d+),\\s(\\d+\\.\\d+)\\)")[[1]][, c(2, 3)])

To convert data into their respective types, you could use type.convert

df <- type.convert(df)
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Ronak Shah Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

Ronak Shah

Here is a base R option:

coordinates <- "(-79.43591570873059, 43.68015339477487), (-79.43491506339724, 43.68036886994886), (-79.43394727223847, 43.680578504490335), (-79.43388162422195, 43.68058996121469), (-79.43281544978878, 43.680808044458765), (-79.4326971769691, 43.68079658822322)"
coordinates <- gsub("^\\(|\\)$", "", coordinates)
x <- strsplit(coordinates, "\\), \\(")[[1]]
df <- data.frame(lat=sub(",.*$", "", x), lng=sub("^.*, ", "", x), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

The strategy here is to first strip the leading trailing parentheses, then string split on \), \( to generate a single character vector with each latitude/longitude pair. Finally, we generate a data frame output.

                 lat                lng
1 -79.43591570873059  43.68015339477487
2 -79.43491506339724  43.68036886994886
3 -79.43394727223847 43.680578504490335
4 -79.43388162422195  43.68058996121469
5 -79.43281544978878 43.680808044458765
6  -79.4326971769691 43.68079658822322
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Tim Biegeleisen Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

Tim Biegeleisen

Yet another base R version with a bit of regex, relying on the fact that replacing the punctuation with blank lines will mean they get skipped on import.

read.csv(text=gsub(")|(, |^)\\(", "\n", coordinates), col.names=c("lat","long"), header=FALSE)
#        lat     long
#1 -79.43592 43.68015
#2 -79.43492 43.68037
#3 -79.43395 43.68058
#4 -79.43388 43.68059
#5 -79.43282 43.68081
#6 -79.43270 43.68080


  • Deals with vector input as well like the other scan answer.
  • Converts to correct numeric types in output


  • Not super fast
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thelatemail Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10
