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Convert single column of a DataTable to CSV

Using VB.NET, what is the most concise way to convert a single column of a DataTable to a CSV? The values are integers, so I don't need to worry about character escaping or encoding.

like image 986
Mass Dot Net Avatar asked Aug 22 '11 14:08

Mass Dot Net

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1 Answers

What do you mean with "convert to CSV"? If you want to generate a string with comma-separated values, you can use this(tbl is your DataTable and Int-Column is the name of the DataColumn):

String.Join(",", (From row In tbl.AsEnumerable Select row("Int-Column")).ToArray)

A CSV normally is a file-format where the columns are separated by comma(or other separators) and the rows are separated by new lines. Hence you simply have to replace String.Join("," with String.Join(Environment.NewLine

like image 143
Tim Schmelter Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10

Tim Schmelter