What value would have #414141 as #AARRGGBB and what about #52b531? How can I convert this using PHP?
If you know the exchange rate, divide your current currency by the exchange rate. For example, suppose that the USD/EUR exchange rate is 0.631 and you'd like to convert 100 USD into EUR.To accomplish this, simply multiply the 100 by 0.631 and the result is the number of EUR that you will receive: 63.10 EUR.
There is no specific best day to exchange currency, different factors such as political, economical factors, etc. play roles on currency exchange rates.
AA is the Alpha channel, and a straight conversion would be to set AA to FF to make it full opaque:
#414141 becomes #FF414141
(Just to add: In some implementations it means the amount of Transparency where 00 means complete opaque and FF means fully transparent. In that case, #00414141 would be correct. But I think that is the exception)
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