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Convert / Replace tab stops to comma




I have Word documents which require me to convert or replace tab stops to commas.

The text may look like this:

Hello........world (dot)
Hello------------World (dash)
Hello____World (line)
Hello          world (none)

Word provides 4 choices for tab stops leader: dot, dash, line and none.
I would like to replace only the first 3 leader types into comma.

The last one won't be changed like this:

Hello          world

Find and Replace Tabs function in Word doesn't work. So I tried to "copy and paste" from various sources into a simple macro to do this task:

Sub Macro1()
    For Each para In ActiveDocument.Content.Paragraphs
        For Each aTab In para.TabStops
            If aTab.Leader = wdTabLeaderDots _
              Or aTab.Leader = wdTabLeaderDashes _
              Or aTab.Leader = wdTabLeaderLines Then
                TypeText = ","
            End If
        Next aTab
    Next para
End Sub

Reference: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff192806.aspx

Word says there is an error in the line: TypeText = ",".

Slai has a solution for this question. I copied the second code into a macro, modified a little bit to make it work:

Sub Macro1()
    Dim p As Paragraph, t As TabStop
    For Each p In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
        For Each t In p.TabStops
            If t.Leader Then p.Range.Find.Execute "^t", , , , , , , , , ",", wdReplaceAll
End Sub

If you need the macro to work only with paragraphs in your selection, replace ActiveDocument into Selection.

like image 1000
doquan0 Avatar asked Apr 22 '17 16:04


People also ask

How do you replace a tab with a comma?

You can use the replaceText processor to replace tabs with commas in a text/plain input file. The Search Value is set to a tab. The Replacement Value is set to a comma.

How do I replace a tab with a comma in Excel?

In the Find and Replace dialog box, under the Replace tab, please: (1) In the Find What box press Ctrl + J keys to enter alt-enter character; (2) In the Replace with box type space or comma as you need; (3) Click the Replace All button.

How do I replace a tab with a comma in notepad?

In the Notepad menu bar click on Edit > Replace.... Right click on the Find what field and choose Paste from the context menu, or press CTRL+V. This inserts the tab character you copied into the 'Find what' box. In the 'Replace with' field, enter a comma and click on Replace All.

How do you replace a tab with a comma in Python?

The most straightforward way to convert a tab-delimited (TSV) to a comma-separated (CSV) file in Python is to replace each tabular character '\t' with a comma ',' character using the string. replace() method. This works if two values are separated by exactly one tabular character.

1 Answers

Find and Replace Format seems to work only if the Tab stop positions are known:

With ThisDocument.Range.Find
    For L = wdTabLeaderDots To wdTabLeaderLines
        .ParagraphFormat.TabStops.Add Position:=36, Leader:=L
        .Execute "^t", , , , , , , , , ",", wdReplaceAll
End With

Alternative can be to check the tab stops of each paragraph ( BTW WdTabLeader has 6 values ) :

Dim p As Paragraph, t As TabStop

For Each p In ThisDocument.Paragraphs
    For Each t In p.TabStops
        If t.Leader Then p.Range.Find.Execute "^t", , , , , , , , , ",", wdReplaceAll
like image 73
Slai Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10
