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Convert raster time series of multiple GeoTIFF images to NetCDF

I have a raster time series stored in multiple GeoTIFF files (*.tif) that I'd like to convert to a single NetCDF file. The data is uint16.

I could probably use gdal_translate to convert each image to netcdf using:

 gdal_translate -of netcdf -co FORMAT=NC4 20150520_0164.tif foo.nc

and then some scripting with NCO to extract dates from filenames and then concatenate, but I was wondering whether I might do this more effectively in Python using xarray and it's new rasterio backend.

I can read a file easily:

import glob
import xarray as xr
f = glob.glob('*.tif')
da = xr.open_rasterio(f[0]) 

which returns

<xarray.DataArray (band: 1, y: 5490, x: 5490)>
[30140100 values with dtype=uint16]
  * band     (band) int64 1
  * y        (y) float64 5e+05 5e+05 5e+05 5e+05 5e+05 4.999e+05 4.999e+05 ...
  * x        (x) float64 8e+05 8e+05 8e+05 8e+05 8.001e+05 8.001e+05 ...
    crs:      +init=epsg:32620

and I can write one of these to NetCDF:


but ideally I would be able to use something like xr.open_mfdataset , write the time values (extracted from the filenames) and then write the entire aggregation to netCDF. And have dask handle the out-of-core memory issues. :-)

Can something like this be done with xarray and dask?

like image 542
Rich Signell Avatar asked Oct 23 '17 22:10

Rich Signell

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How to convert netCDF data to GeoTIFF?

Then we can easily convert one band (or a time slice) of the NetCDF data into a GeoTIFF format just use the command: However, we’d like to export all time slices with meaningful names such as mslp_yyyy-mm.tif.

How to export time slice from netCDF to raster in ArcMap catalog?

In ArcMap Catalog, browse to the downloaded data ( NetCDF_time_slice_to_Raster.zip) which contains a toolbox inside a geodatabase. Open the NetCDF_time_slice_export script tool. Select the Input_NetCDF_layer and an Output Folder. Click OK to run the tool. The tool exports all the time slices (bands) from the NetCDF raster layer as TIFs.

How to convert raster data from one format to another?

The command-line tool of gdal_translate provided by GDAL should be the most commonly used option for converting raster data between different formats, while CDO is another excellent command line suite for manipulating and analyzing climate data.

How to export time slices from netCDF to TIFs in Python?

Select the Input_NetCDF_layer and an Output Folder. Click OK to run the tool. The tool exports all the time slices (bands) from the NetCDF raster layer as TIFs. The following shows the Python code used for this script tool.

1 Answers

Xarray should be able to do the concat step for you. I have adapted your example a bit below. It will be up to you to parse the filenames into something useful.

import glob
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

def time_index_from_filenames(filenames):
    '''helper function to create a pandas DatetimeIndex
       Filename example: 20150520_0164.tif'''
    return pd.DatetimeIndex([pd.Timestamp(f[:8]) for f in filenames])

filenames = glob.glob('*.tif')
time = xr.Variable('time', time_index_from_filenames(filenames))
chunks = {'x': 5490, 'y': 5490, 'band': 1}
da = xr.concat([xr.open_rasterio(f, chunks=chunks) for f in filenames], dim=time)
like image 143
jhamman Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
