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Convert populated Set<String> to [String] in swift [duplicate]

I am kind stuck with the following.

I've got the following array

var selectedItems = Set<String>()

That has some items from parse inserted to it


Then I've created the following variable where I intend to convert the Set into something I could use on my parse query with the following line. But almost nothing converts. [AnyObject, [String], [self.selectedHobbies], ["\(self.selectedHobbies)"] ... none works.

let itemsArray = self.selectedHobbies as [AnyObject]

And if I do not convert it I cannot use in the query bellow.

query.whereKey("itemTag", containedIn: itemsArray as [AnyObject])

If I could manage to convert it to a [String] it would solve my problem. Not sure how.

like image 661
GuiSoySauce Avatar asked Aug 20 '15 03:08


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1 Answers

When in doubt, try the init!

let selectedItems: Set<String> = ["One", "Two", "Three"]
let arr = [String](selectedItems)
like image 57
Mr Beardsley Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 18:10

Mr Beardsley