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Convert Points to Polygon using PostGIS

I want to create a polygon table using PostGIS. Each row in table 'point' has three-point ID. Table 'point_location' has the location information of points. I googled this question but did not find the answer. What's wrong with the following code?

SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((' || b.x || ' ' || b.y || ',' || c.x || ' ' || c.y || ',' || d.x || ' ' || d.y || ',' || b.x || ' ' || b.y'))',4326) 
AS polygon
FROM point a, point_location b, point_location c, point_location d
WHERE a.p1=b.point_id AND a.p2=c.point_id AND a.p3=d.point_id
like image 803
Ben Avatar asked Sep 27 '13 08:09


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1 Answers

A better way to construct a polygon from points is to use PostGIS' geometry constructors. This way, you avoid the need to convert binary → text → binary (WKB → WKT → WKB), which is slower, lossy, and is prone to text formatting distractions as evidenced by the missing ||. For example, try:

SELECT ST_MakePolygon(ST_MakeLine(ARRAY[b, c, d, b]))
FROM point a, point_location b, point_location c, point_location d
WHERE a.p1=b.point_id and a.p2=c.point_id and a.p3=d.point_id
like image 69
Mike T Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09

Mike T