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Convert latitude, longitude & altitude to local ENU coordinates in Python

How can I convert geodetic (latitude, longitude, altitude) coordinates into local tangent plane ENU (East, North, Up) coordinates with Python?

pyproj package does not seem to have the right functionality ...

like image 917
ice-crunch Avatar asked Nov 21 '18 09:11


People also ask

How do you convert lat long to XY coordinates?

latitude = Math. PI * latitude / 180; longitude = Math. PI * longitude / 180; // adjust position by radians latitude -= 1.570795765134; // subtract 90 degrees (in radians) // and switch z and y xPos = (app. radius) * Math.

How do you convert latitude and longitude to minutes?

One degree has 60 minutes and one minute has 60 seconds. If you have 91.456 degrees you can see that your measurement is 91 whole degress plus 0.456 of a degree. To state the decimal 0.456 degrees in minutes multiply 0.456*60 to get 27.36 minutes. Now you have 27 whole minutes plus 0.36 of a minute.

How do you convert latitude and longitude to meters?

Multiply the degrees of separation of longitude and latitude by 111,139 to get the corresponding linear distances in meters.

2 Answers

You could use the pymap3d package:


pip install pymap3d

Simple example

Let's take the example values shown on this page.

import pymap3d as pm

# The local coordinate origin (Zermatt, Switzerland)
lat0 = 46.017 # deg
lon0 = 7.750  # deg
h0 = 1673     # meters

# The point of interest
lat = 45.976  # deg
lon = 7.658   # deg
h = 4531      # meters

pm.geodetic2enu(lat, lon, h, lat0, lon0, h0)

which produces

(-7134.757195979863, -4556.321513844541, 2852.3904239436915)

which are the east, north and up components, respectively.

The used ellipsoid is WGS84 by default. All available ellipsoid models (which can be fed as an argument to geodetic2enu) can be seen here. Here is how you would calculate the same ENU coordinates using WGS72 reference ellipsoid:

pm.geodetic2enu(lat, lon, h, lat0, lon0, h0, ell=pm.utils.Ellipsoid('wgs72'))
# (-7134.754845247729, -4556.320150825548, 2852.3904257449926)
like image 136
np8 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09


Use pyproj without pymap3d

import numpy as np
import pyproj
import scipy.spatial.transform     

def geodetic2enu(lat, lon, alt, lat_org, lon_org, alt_org):
    transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(
        {"proj":'latlong', "ellps":'WGS84', "datum":'WGS84'},
        {"proj":'geocent', "ellps":'WGS84', "datum":'WGS84'},
    x, y, z = transformer.transform( lon,lat,  alt,radians=False)
    x_org, y_org, z_org = transformer.transform( lon_org,lat_org,  alt_org,radians=False)
    vec=np.array([[ x-x_org, y-y_org, z-z_org]]).T

    rot1 =  scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler('x', -(90-lat_org), degrees=True).as_matrix()#angle*-1 : left handed *-1
    rot3 =  scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler('z', -(90+lon_org), degrees=True).as_matrix()#angle*-1 : left handed *-1

    rotMatrix = rot1.dot(rot3)    
    enu = rotMatrix.dot(vec).T.ravel()
    return enu.T

def enu2geodetic(x,y,z, lat_org, lon_org, alt_org):
    transformer1 = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(
        {"proj":'latlong', "ellps":'WGS84', "datum":'WGS84'},
        {"proj":'geocent', "ellps":'WGS84', "datum":'WGS84'},
    transformer2 = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(
        {"proj":'geocent', "ellps":'WGS84', "datum":'WGS84'},
        {"proj":'latlong', "ellps":'WGS84', "datum":'WGS84'},
    x_org, y_org, z_org = transformer1.transform( lon_org,lat_org,  alt_org,radians=False)
    rot1 =  scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler('x', -(90-lat_org), degrees=True).as_matrix()#angle*-1 : left handed *-1
    rot3 =  scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.from_euler('z', -(90+lon_org), degrees=True).as_matrix()#angle*-1 : left handed *-1

    rotMatrix = rot1.dot(rot3)

    ecefDelta = rotMatrix.T.dot( np.array([[x,y,z]]).T )
    ecef = ecefDelta+ecef_org
    lon, lat, alt = transformer2.transform( ecef[0,0],ecef[1,0],ecef[2,0],radians=False)

    return [lat,lon,alt]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # The local coordinate origin (Zermatt, Switzerland)
    lat_org = 46.017 # deg
    lon_org = 7.750  # deg
    alt_org   = 1673     # meters

    # The point of interest
    lat = 45.976  # deg
    lon = 7.658   # deg
    alt = 4531      # meters

    res1 = geodetic2enu(lat, lon, alt, lat_org, lon_org, alt_org)
    print (res1)
    #[-7134.75719598 -4556.32151385  2852.39042395]
    res2 = enu2geodetic(x,y,z, lat_org, lon_org, alt_org)
    print (res2)
    #[45.97600000000164, 7.658000000000001, 4531.0000001890585]

Ref. 1 https://gssc.esa.int/navipedia/index.php/Transformations_between_ECEF_and_ENU_coordinates

Ref 2 https://www.nsstc.uah.edu/users/phillip.bitzer/python_doc/pyltg/_modules/pyltg/utilities/latlon.html

Ref 3 https://gist.github.com/sbarratt/a72bede917b482826192bf34f9ff5d0b

like image 36
johnInHome Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09
