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Convert Html to Docx in c# [closed]


i want to convert a html page to docx in c#, how can i do it?

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Luis Avatar asked Mar 25 '11 11:03


1 Answers

My solution uses Html2OpenXml along with DocumentFormat.OpenXml (NuGet package for Html2OpenXml is here) to provide an elegant solution for ASP.NET MVC.


public static class WordHelper
    public static byte[] HtmlToWord(String html)
        const string filename = "test.docx";
        if (File.Exists(filename)) File.Delete(filename);

        using (MemoryStream generatedDocument = new MemoryStream())
            using (WordprocessingDocument package = WordprocessingDocument.Create(
                   generatedDocument, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document))
                MainDocumentPart mainPart = package.MainDocumentPart;
                if (mainPart == null)
                    mainPart = package.AddMainDocumentPart();
                    new Document(new Body()).Save(mainPart);

                HtmlConverter converter = new HtmlConverter(mainPart);
                Body body = mainPart.Document.Body;

                var paragraphs = converter.Parse(html);
                for (int i = 0; i < paragraphs.Count; i++)


            return generatedDocument.ToArray();


    public FileResult Demo(CkEditorViewModel viewModel)
        return File(WordHelper.HtmlToWord(viewModel.CkEditorContent),

I'm using CKEditor to generate HTML for this sample.

like image 171
Leonel Sanches da Silva Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Leonel Sanches da Silva