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Convert HH:MM:SS into minute using javascript

How can I Convert HH:MM:SS into minute using javascript ?

like image 997
Anand Avatar asked Oct 01 '15 10:10


1 Answers

Use split and multiply per 60 ignoring seconds.

Taking this answer as base:

var hms = '02:04:33';   // your input string
var a = hms.split(':'); // split it at the colons

// Hours are worth 60 minutes.
var minutes = (+a[0]) * 60 + (+a[1]);


Use split and multiply per 60 using seconds as decimal (thus is not full exact)

var hms = '02:04:33';   // your input string
var a = hms.split(':'); // split it at the colons

// Hours are worth 60 minutes.
var minutes = (+a[0]) * 60 + (+a[1]);

console.log(minutes + "," + ((+a[2]) / 60));
like image 189
Jordi Castilla Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Jordi Castilla