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Convert float to unsigned long to access float internals, in c #define

I want to convert a float to a unsigned long, while keeping the binary representation of the float (so I do not want to cast 5.0 to 5!).

This is easy to do in the following way:

float f = 2.0;
unsigned long x = *((unsigned long*)&f)

However, now I need to do the same thing in a #define, because I want to use this later on in some array initialization (so an [inline] function is not an option).

This does not compile:

#define f2u(f) *((unsigned long*)&f)

If I call it like this:

unsigned long x[] = { f2u(1.0), f2u(2.0), f2u(3.0), ... }

The error I get is (logically):

lvalue required as unary ‘&’ operand

Note: One solution that was suggested below was to use a union type for my array. However, that's no option. I'm actually doing the following:

#define Calc(x) (((x & 0x7F800000) >> 23) - 127)
unsigned long x[] = { Calc(f2u(1.0)), Calc(f2u(2.0)), Calc(f2u(3.0)), ... }

So the array really will/must be of type long[].

like image 708
Arnaud Gouder de Beauregard Avatar asked Aug 23 '11 06:08

Arnaud Gouder de Beauregard

3 Answers

You should probably use a union:

union floatpun {
    float f;
    unsigned long l;

union floatpun x[3] = { {1.0}, {2.0}, {3.0} };

or perhaps:

union {
    float f[3];
    unsigned long l[3];
} x = { { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 } };

(The latter will let you pass x.l where you need an array of type unsigned long [3]).

Of course you need to ensure that unsigned long and float have the same size on your platform.

like image 149
caf Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09


Note: One solution that was suggested below was to use a union type for my array. However, that's no option. I'm actually doing the following

#define Calc(x) (((x & 0x7F800000) >> 23) - 127)
unsigned long x[] = { Calc(f2u(1.0)), Calc(f2u(2.0)), Calc(f2u(3.0)), ... }

So the array really will/must be of type long[].

In this case you won't probably be able to omit a step in-between.

unsigned float x[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, ...};
unsigned int y[sizeof x/sizeof x[0]];
for (i=0; i<sizeof x/sizeof x[0]; i++) {
    y[i] = Calc(f2u(x[i]));

I admit it is not very elegant. But if you run into memory difficulties because of that (embedded sytem?), you can do this separately and automatically create a source file with the correct array.


Yet another solution would be to tell the compiler what you really want. Obviously, you want to calculate the exponent of a floating point number. So you could just do

#define expo(f) ((long)(log((f)) / log(2)))

That seems exactly to do what you intend to do. And it seems to me that a signed char woud be enough, and if not, a int16_t.

like image 45
glglgl Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09


lvalue means something assignable. 1.0 is a constant, not a variable, and you cannot get reference to it (neither assign to it).



unsigned long x[3] = { f2u(1.0), f2u(2.0), f2u(3.0) }

Is actually:

unsigned long x[3] = { *((unsigned long*)&1.0, *((unsigned long*)&2.0, *((unsigned long*)&3.0 }

and 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 has no address.

The problem is not related to #define as define is a simple substitution, This code is invalid as well:

unsigned long x = *((unsigned long*)&1.0;

The problem is that you are trying to reference to immediate values, which have no address.

like image 40
MByD Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09