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Convert eloquent result to associative array in Laravel

How can convert the result from eloquent to associative array. I need to select tow column and have one as key and another as value. Here is the closet I got, however the value is an array. I want it to be only "my_value" column.

$array = Post::select('my_key','my_value')->get()->keyBy('my_key')
like image 927
Mehdi Avatar asked Apr 27 '17 18:04


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2 Answers

You should use lists (Laravel 5.1) or pluck (Laravel 5.2+):

$array = Post::lists('my_value', 'my_key');


$array = Post::pluck('my_value', 'my_key');
like image 144
Laerte Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10


I found a way to do so, I'm not sure whether it's proper way to do this performance wise though...

$array = Post::select('my_key','my_value')->get()->mapWithKeys(function ($item) {
            return [$item['my_key'] => $item['my_value']];
like image 20
Mehdi Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
