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Convert date and time numbers to time_t AND specify the timezone

I have the following integers:

int y, mon, d, h, min, s;

Their values are: 2012, 06, 27, 12, 47, 53 respectively. I want to represent the date time of "2012/06/27 12:47:53 UTC" if I have selected 'UTC' somewhere else in my application, or "2012/06/27 12:47:53 AEST" if I have selected 'AEST' somewhere else in my application.

I want to convert this into a time_t, and here's the code that I am current using to do so:

struct tm timeinfo;
timeinfo.tm_year = year - 1900;
timeinfo.tm_mon = mon - 1;
timeinfo.tm_mday = day;
timeinfo.tm_hour = hour;
timeinfo.tm_min = min;
timeinfo.tm_sec = sec;
//timeinfo.tm_isdst = 0; //TODO should this be set?

//TODO find POSIX or C standard way to do covert tm to time_t without in UTC instead of local time
#ifdef UNIX
return timegm(&timeinfo);
return mktime(&timeinfo); //FIXME Still incorrect

So I am using a tm struct and mktime, however this is not working well, because it is always assuming my local time-zone.

What is the correct way of doing this?

So below is the solution that I have come up with so far. It basically does one of three things:

  1. If UNIX, simply use timegm
  2. If not UNIX
    1. Either, do math using the difference between UTC epoch and local epoch as an offset
      • Reservation: Math may be incorrect
    2. Or, set the "TZ" environment variable to UTC temporarily
      • Reservation: will trip up if/ when this code needs to be multithreaded
namespace tmUtil
    int const tm_yearCorrection = -1900;
    int const tm_monthCorrection = -1;
    int const tm_isdst_dontKnow = -1;

    static bool isLeap(int year)
            (year % 4) ? false
            : (year % 100) ? true
            : (year % 400) ? false
            : true;

    static int daysIn(int year)
        return isLeap(year) ? 366 : 365;

time_t utc(int year, int mon, int day, int hour, int min, int sec)
    struct tm time = {0};
    time.tm_year = year + tmUtil::tm_yearCorrection;
    time.tm_mon = mon + tmUtil::tm_monthCorrection;
    time.tm_mday = day;
    time.tm_hour = hour;
    time.tm_min = min;
    time.tm_sec = sec;
    time.tm_isdst = tmUtil::tm_isdst_dontKnow;

    #if defined(UNIX) && !defined(DEBUG_DATETIME_TIMEGM) //TODO remove && 00
        time_t result;
        result = timegm(&time);
        return result;
            //TODO check that math is correct
            time_t fromEpochUtc = mktime(&time);

            struct tm localData;
            struct tm utcData;
            struct tm* loc = localtime_r (&fromEpochUtc, &localData);
            struct tm* utc = gmtime_r (&fromEpochUtc, &utcData);
            int utcYear = utc->tm_year - tmUtil::tm_yearCorrection;
            int gmtOff =
                (loc-> tm_sec - utc-> tm_sec)
                + (loc-> tm_min - utc-> tm_min) * 60
                + (loc->tm_hour - utc->tm_hour) * 60 * 60
                + (loc->tm_yday - utc->tm_yday) * 60 * 60 * 24
                + (loc->tm_year - utc->tm_year) * 60 * 60 * 24 * tmUtil::daysIn(utcYear);

            #ifdef UNIX
                if (loc->tm_gmtoff != gmtOff)
                    StringBuilder err("loc->tm_gmtoff=", StringBuilder((int)(loc->tm_gmtoff)), " but gmtOff=", StringBuilder(gmtOff));

            int resultInt = fromEpochUtc + gmtOff;
            time_t result;
            result = (time_t)resultInt;
            return result;
            //TODO Find a way to do this without manipulating environment variables
            time_t result;
            char *tz;
            tz = getenv("TZ");
            setenv("TZ", "", 1);
            result = mktime(&time);
            if (tz)
                setenv("TZ", tz, 1);
            return result;

N.B. StringBuilder is an internal class, it doesn't matter for the purposes of this question.

More info:

I know that this can be done easily using boost, et al. But this is NOT and option. I need it to be done mathematically, or using a c or c++ standard function, or combinations thereof.

timegm appears to solve this problem, however, it doesn't appear to part of the C / POSIX standard. This code currently is compiled on multiple platforms (Linux, OSX, WIndows, iOS, Android (NDK)), so I need to find a way to make it work across all of these platforms, even if the solution involves #ifdef $PLATFORM type things.

like image 622
bguiz Avatar asked Jun 27 '12 02:06


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1 Answers

time_t my_timegm2(struct tm *tm)
    time_t ret = tm->tm_sec + tm->tm_min*60 + tm->tm_hour*3600 + tm->tm_yday*86400;
    ret += ((time_t)31536000) * (tm->tm_year-70);
    ret += ((tm->tm_year-69)/4)*86400 - ((tm->tm_year-1)/100)*86400 + ((tm->tm_year+299)/400)*86400;
    return ret;
like image 131
Galt Barber Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09

Galt Barber